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Churches in water close to Edinburgh


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I detected several autogen(?) churches in water North West of Edinburgh harbour in SCO:




I know this usually being a mesh issue. Thus, I deactivated all FS Global Ultimate in the Scenery Library (doubled-checked it is deactivated) and took the mesh slider back to 10m. Restarted the simulator (Prepapr3d), but the issue remains.


The problem is certainly on my end, but could anyone give me a hint?


Thank you and kind regards., Michael



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I just had a search and can't find any churches in the water.

Do you have any other addon's that might of added churches, if not can you get a close up picture of the church so i can identify if its one of our models and where its come from also the exact co-ordinates would help as well.



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Thanks Paul for taking notice. Here is a closeup, there are repeated incarnations of those two churches/chapels in the area (and, as far as I saw, only there).




I don't have the simulator at hand right now, thus can't provide exact coordinates, but I took off from Edinburgh Airport, flew over Edinburgh port and then it was around 2 min along the coastline in the C172 just bevor the power station in the background of the first shot.


I've never flown in that region before and did not install any UK scenery before the ORBX EU series. I also don't have any global sceneries like UTX installed at present (at least not one I recall covering that area, but who knows..).


Kind regards, Michael


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I just check again and still no churches in water for me but i did notice your power station has a different texture to mine?



I have searched the Orbx libraries and cant find that church so i have to think its come from another addon somewhere.



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Hi, FTX Central was set to EU as required. I'll see what happens when switching to Default tonight, would be interesting indeed, thanks for the hint.


Kind regards, Michael

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Thanks guys - notably Helifan23 - for giving me a hand isolating the issue.Switching to Default did not resolve the churches, thus it's definitely not an SCO issue. I went on activating and deactivating groups of sceneriers for an hour, until I found the culprit.


Churches are obviouly caused by a bunch of Frenchmen in the believe thier realm goes beyond Scotland. Precisely, it's the package Obstacles & Repères made by Simulation Data




Switching off this package in the library removes the churches immediately.


Unfortunately all their Forum is in French, with my French being even worse than my English. However, I will contact them via Mail and see if they can look into this. Perhaps someone else owning this package might confirm the issue.


From the side of ORBX this issue can be marked as solved.


Kind regrads, Michael


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here is the final answer to the issue: I mailed the support of Simulation Data and (after providing a proof of purchase) got immediately acces to the most recent version (2.0) of French Obstacles & Repères which resolved the issue, as I just confirmed.


Kind regards, Michael


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