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KJAC Missing Runway Lights


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Hello Everyone,


 I just purchased KJAC DVD from the FS Pilotshop.  I too am missing runway lights at night.  I have searched the forums and read the many threads concerning this.  I was able to download the "KJAC Temp Lighting Fix.zip"  file from one of these posts.  But, before I try these temporary fix files I wanted to make sure I haven't missed the update for KJAC somewhere.  I read on one of these threads that the update was supposed to fix this issue.  The last mention I found of the update was just about a year ago and it was to be at the "top of the list" of things to be completed.  I know it's easy to miss things sometimes after spending hours reading threads/posts and I wanted to make sure I didn't overlook the update if it has been released.  I have checked the regular update page and nothing is mentioned.  Thanks for your time.




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G'day Rob,


You have taken the right track - downloading the temp KJAC light fixes is the resolution to your problem at this point. I still have an intention to release a SP for KJAC further down the track, however this is still on the drawing board at this stage. 


Let me know if you need any further assistance getting your lights to work.




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