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A round dozen over Adelaide

John York

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Adelaide is of particular interest to me because in years gone by I used to ship chocolate ingredients to Australia and

the office there, it seemed to me, ordered stuff like cocoa butter (40 tons at a time), chococithin, cocoa powder etc

in huge quantities.

And that brings me to a question.  The company I worked for was Australian and had offices in the main ports both in

Australia and New Zealand.  I was employed in their London Office to ship raw and semi-raw materials to them from the

Countries in the Western hemisphere.  Does anyone know if they still exist?  Their name was Abel, Lemon & Co. (PTY) Ltd.

Don't know why but although a lovely town Adelaide doesn't seem to get a lot of attention in the forum.  Perhaps its

because its a bit heavy on performance?  Whatever it is, I hope you find these dozen shots pleasing;

We're flying Rick Piper's Foxbat today, and there it is waiting for us the other side of these buidings;

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Well, that's alright, we've found the golf course

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Time for a round I should think if I get it down now

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I'll look forward to visiting Adelaide again on my round Australia trip, but it's a long wayfrom the York Peninsular so it'll

be quite some time in the future.


Thank you ImageShack-flawless

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Great shots John.  As an Adelaide resident (but originally from the old Dart) Abel, Lemon & Co. (PTY) Ltd appear to no longer exist, at least not under that name.  I suspect they went the way of many others and have been absorbed into larger conglomerations.


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