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Several problems all at once


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Need some advise for several problems which occured overnight.


Last week I got the problem in FTX EU with the OOM error. I tried to find a solution by replacing my GeForce560Ti graphics card by my old GeForce GTX295 card. The 560 has 1GB memory and my 295 had 1.7GB. If the graphic memory would be the problem, it should accure with the 295 was my idea behind the swap.

The lower FPS was something I expected because of the slower GPU the 295 card has.

So I did the swap and the first problem occuring was a very very long loading time of the terrain data. It took over 20 minutes to reach about 44%. The first hickup for several minutes was at 6%, then 27% and at the end it stuck at 44% for over 20 minutes. When the loading finaly completed, FSX was running at 10fps.
As I was not happy with the fps, I reinstalled the 560Ti again. Loading times stayed the same and the hickups occured at the same moments. This has never happened before.

I deceided to return my 560Ti card to the vendor and replacing it by a GeForce GTX660 with 2GB memory.
After installing this card (more memory so at least same fps) I hoped to see some improvement in loading times. Unfortunate this is not what happened. Loading times of over an hour where no exception.

After a lot of testing, tweaking FSX, changing settings all over FSX, I decided to do a clean install of FSX.
So yesterday I started to rebuild FSX. I installed FSX and  Acceleration. FSX is running fine with over 100fps with all sliders maxed out (except AI, this one is set to 0%).

Today I installed all NA scenery of FTX again. After each install, I started FSX to let it build the scenery library. All went smoothly and after several hours all NA scenery was installed again.
I started FSX again and I set my flight up at KORS. After the sim has started up I throttled up the Trike. All was looking good and I was hoping I had solved the problem.
Unfortunate, just before I was over the end of the runway, still dry feet at Orca's, FSX freezes. Not for a second, but for over a minute. After some time FSX all is resuming again and FSX is flying with over 70fps (when I unlock the fps). After some time FSX is freezing again and the same sorry is repeated. When flying and running, FSX has a fps over 30. After about 5 times freezing, FSX is crashing. The message occuring is this:



The only thing left, is clicking  close the program and I am back on desktop.


So I do have some problems at the moment, and I would like to have some advise of you to solve this.
The only addons installed are FTX NA sceneries, Huey X and a Seaking of virtavia. There is no difference when flying the default aircraft or the addon aircraft.


System used (and running FSX with FTX scenery very well till last monday):
CPU: Intel Core i7 Extreme 975 @3.333 (default CPU speed)
ASUS P6T deluxe
12GB Corsair PC1333 12GBkit
Nvidia GTX660 2GB DDR5 192bit
Operation System is Windows 7 64bit


Drivers: Nvidia 314.22 but settings made through Nvidia inspector


Hope this info is enough to get some help and let FSX run again as it used to do.



Some additional information I came by during searching my system for the cause:

In my taskmonitor, I see core 0 and 1 are active for about 1-5% and core 2 and 3 are at 100% running during startup of FSX (stuck at 28% at the moment of checking the taskmonitor). Memory in use is about 2.2GB of the available 12GB.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate,


Sorry this has gone unnoticed, I'll bump this back in the hope someone has come across this before, did some google searching for the util.dll error, and it seems to be one of those random ones, certainly have not seen or experienced it myself, so I'm sort of scratching my head here

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Hi Tino,


sorry to hear of your issues there.


did you try and disable your Virus scanner for fsX,  better said exclude your main fsX folder from continuous scanning also which one are you using ?


did you delete your fsX.cfg or backed it up to let fsX rebuild a new one?


did you switch back to default fsX via the FTX Central ?


did you when swapping the Vidcards delete all drivers first before tossing in the other one ?


we could arrange something via Skype or so tonight Tino, see if we can get it sorted

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Hi Guys,


As time went by, and I got more and more frustrated, I have done some work ;)

I have re-installed Windows and FSX. Still have the same problems and it looks likethey got even worse. Everytime I get another dll causing an error. 

On my FSX machine, I don't have any virusscanner acitive, as the machine is not used for internet other then weather download and activating software.
So virusscanner shouldn't be the problem.  


I have tried many versions of the nVidia drivers and several settings of the nVidia inspector. Nothing is solving the problem. As I stated in my own forum, I am approaching the moment I quit simming. I have invested in several pieces of hardware lately and nothing solved the problems. Investing even more in hardware isn't an option for me.


@Wolter, I don't use Skype. I do have Whatsapp, but that's not voice communications ;)





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Hi Tino,


just tought of another option, it could well be that one of your RAM sticks has gone tits up, in principle with one stick of RAM the system should run as well, pull the one from the 3rd row and leave the one in the first start up the system and see how it performs withfsX, when OK or NOT then swap te RAM stick with the one you puled out earlier and see if the problem persists, if not then you'found the culprit

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Hi Wolter,


That's an option I will try just after finishing this reply!
I have 12GB paired memory. I think it won't be a problem when reducing my 12GB back to 8GB even if these 12GB is paired??


I managed to take a screenshot of how FSX is looking if it finaly finished loading:


FSX is loading all textures a while after I took this shot, but it is freezing every now and then for a couple of minutes to load additional textures.

At the end FSX will run but with less fps as it did with my GTX295....

All this is driving me crazy....


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Nothing wrong with the mem sticks, at least it doesn't solve the problem. FSX freezes at 6% loading terrain data.


I am now reinstalleing FSX in a none RAID system. Maybe the RAID settings are the problem and to find out if this is the cause I am reinstalling again...

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After I have removed the RAID0 setup, I re-installed FSX and all FTX scenery of NA and EU. (AU will follow during the next days). As I have done this, all the problems are gone. Maybe the RAID was not well configured or one of the disks starts to loose some data. Anyway I am able to fly again in FSX.



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