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[FTX ENG+Wales] crashes after 3 minutes

Guest Alitalia

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Guest Alitalia
Hi ... I just installed ftx walles and fsx england but can't fly these scenarios, because after 3 minutes fsx crashes ... ... the error is g3d.dll

How can we solve?


this is the problem:

Firma problema:

  Nome evento problema: APPCRASH

  Nome applicazione: fsx.exe

  Versione applicazione: 10.0.61637.0

  Timestamp applicazione: 46fadb14

  Nome modulo con errori: g3d.dll

  Versione modulo con errori: 10.0.61637.0

  Timestamp modulo con errori: 46fadb58

  Codice eccezione: c0000005

  Offset eccezione: 000ba79f

  Versione SO: 6.1.7601.

  ID impostazioni locali: 1040


Ulteriori informazioni sul problema:

  LCID: 1040


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   A crash can be the result of an infinate number of variables. To further assist you please let us know what your PC specs are and also it would be very helpful to post your settings inside FSX. Screen shots are ideal however a list will also be good.

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Guest Alitalia

I put in my signature pc ... ... ... the error is already described in my previous post G3D.DLL so you call.

I wrote all the error data at the beginning of the post.

You can't fly on england and wales, orbx do something help me

Thank you

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G3D.DLL errors are not an ORBX problem, but rather a problem which has plagued FS for some time, even in FS9.


Pete Dowson's FSUIPC has been programmed to very good effect lately to trap these errors and has significantly reduced the number of errors caused - but I can't remember if you need the registered version of FSUIPC or not. It certainly cured all my g3d.dll problems.




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I suspect it is scenery overload. There are times when you can still get flyable fps and yet the scenery is load is just to much. The g3d.dll that you see in the error report may or may not have been the cause of the crash at all but rather is more likely the last .dll running when FSX gave out. This can be the reason that crashes are difficult to analyze.

  You still need to do the following

1) post your FSX settings

2) post a readout of your FSX config file

3) check the Orbx documentation as to the set up intructions for FSX.

4) how many processes are running


ps: You PC should be able to handle most Orbx scenery but may struggle somewhat with the big urban areas

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Guest Alitalia

1-downloaded the free version, but it asks me the activation code, where to take it?


2-Once you are done downloading and inserting the key, how do I set fsuicp?



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you can ignore the the bit that asks for a key and thats just for people who brought a licence.. just click cancel and it will quit the registration part of the installer and finish, then run fsx and you will get a prompt to allow fsuipc which you want to allow.

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There is nothing really to check, you can look at the log file after a flight and at the bottom you will see if its g3d crash protection has kicked in or not.


it will have something like this at the end of the log file.


G3D fix: Passes 41808, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0
Memory managed: 655 Allocs, 655 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed


you can find the log file in the main fsx folder/modules

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