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JF Hawker Raytheon business jet

John York

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Under the title of 800XP this Just Flight aircraft just about beats every other fast jet I've got.


It'll cruise nicely above 10000' at 375 kts.  Its very stable in flight, the instruments work as they should do and it really is an absolute delight.  For me, its far better than the F1 Cessna Mustang and even beats the Feel There Phenom 100. 


The only slight criticism I have with it is the slightly foggy view through the cockpit glass.   I think its intentional but I do wish the manufacturers would give us clear screens and side windows, if only as an option.  They're trying to be too clever in my opinion.


Still, I can put up with it because it brings the longer flights into the bounds of possibiliy which is really necessary when flying in many of the Orbx Countries.


And if anyone can give me an idea of how to get clear screens for this one too I would be grateful.



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I like the (new) idear of a well used plane. It provide an identity, besite the tail number & activation key ::)

But, i think John is putting it right: Give us "pilots" a choice or a chance to clean the Frakking C-glass.

I have ei. the LionHard Dynamic, and the first thing i was thiking, when i loaded it the first time : Hallo, what is Frakking wrong with my FSX??? :wacko:



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Ok-first of all, thanks for pointing me to the update JFS.  First job this morning.


Glad the clear glass worked for the 800XP Ken.


In answer to the question about FPS on the Hawker I would say its better than the Mustang.  However, I don't look at frame rates.   Have them fixed at 30 and let them get on with it,  so the only reason I think that its better is I can replay flights with the Hawker whereas the Mustang simply doesn't want to know.


I would say that though that I find the Mustang easier to land manually than the Hawker.  The Mustang is a nice old lady in comparison to the Hawker which is a bit 'flighty' and somewhat of a challenge.



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Oh Goord, I'm in trouble now.


I got the clear screen but while on the site I saw there was an update so I installed that as well.  Now I've got a lopsided cockpit where the left hand screen is much smaller in width than the right hand side.   Also, the 'plane doesn't seem to handle so well.


Here we go...problem solving this afternoon trying to remove the update instead of flying!  Damn.



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Hi JohnY,


I purchased it yesterday after reading your post and would agree it's a very nice bizjet. Perhaps you can uninstall and download their most recent updated version and see if that helps. Everything seems to be working and looking fine here, also did the clear class mod. Hope you get it figured out :wacko:




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:-[ Yes, well, I'm a bit embarrassed.  I think it was the way I was sitting and the way Traffic IR was reflecting :D .  Anyway, I uninstalled the lot and re-installed the original version together with the clear glass.  


:- To tell the truth, I can't say I've seen a lot of improvement from the smoky sceen but I suppose it is a little better.  At least I can see myself reflecting in this new monitor screen I've got.   Better than a stranger I suppose and more natural but I'm not sure it doesn't emphasise my tummy too much.  I'm not that fat surely?!!


I did get a nice fly in too, so the afternoon wasn't completely wasted.



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