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[AU Blue - YMML] Some annyoing problems...

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Hello everyone,


I've purchased FTX AU Blue as well as Melbourne International Airport. The installation was successful. However, I am now experiencing annoying problems which keep me from enjoying the sceneries. First, when I activate the sceneries within FTX Central, an error message pops up saying that there's an 'unhandled exception' and a part of C:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\Backup\BLDG2.dds couldn't be found. At least the activation was successful. The second problem are the textures for the apron at Melbourne. They don't really look like they sould: http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/sxm1/media/fsx_error2_zps1ae46baf.jpg.html



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Ok. I cant help with your  C:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\Backup\BLDG2.dds, problem but there are someting you could do in the meantime.

After install AU Blue you go to the ORBx support site and download&install AUSp4 patch 002 (339MB).

Then Download and install from ORBX Freeware site the AU Mesh, by Holger Sandman.

Then install AU Melbourne

Finaly Download and install newest Library (130504), from the ORBx support site.



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