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PNW Water Coloring on Columbia


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I love Orbx scenery! After flying with NA PNW it was pretty clear I had to have *all* of the North America series, and eagerly await the next installment.

However, I have encountered an issue with water colors when I run with NA PNW installed, specifically along the Columbia River near Portland, Oregon. I was not aware that Orbx effected water colors, but apparently it does.

Below is a shot of default FSX (the PNW files have been deselected in Scenery). Not the best blue for a river (I have been fighting this for some time), but it is indeed blue.

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This screenshot has PNW enabled, and you can see that the river is now grey-ish. If I fiddle around with other apps that influence water colors that grey can become ghastly.

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This last screen shot is upstream from Portland, just downstream from Bonneville Dam. Here you can see the water color change from a nice deep blue to muddy grey.

Posted Image

What happens to the Columbia downstream from Bonneville Dam?

And I remain confused about whether or not Orbx scenery files would change water colors?

Thanks for the help!


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Hi Holger,

I did indeed loose track of the original thread! :)

I looked for it, but did not find it in the date range I posted. Perhaps the date changed from your response? Might have jumped right over it if so.

The primary difference between my previous and recent post is the new photo showing the transition from clear blue to muddy grey downstream from Bonneville Dam. Kind of an artificial transition in the space of a 100 meters or so of water, no?

And yes, I agree: different angles will change things, and you cannot please everyone all the time. But, for future reference I vote for keeping the blue. I have been across the Hood/Columbia enough times to know that it is a nice shade of deep blue. Damn big river, after all!

Now, who can I grouse to about the color of Lake Tahoe? :)

Thanks for the help, Holger.


PS: I had the great pleasure of visiting Sidney back in the late 90's, courtesy of the Australian Government via a conference they were hosting. Beautiful place you have!

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"my" Sidney is much smaller than the Sydney you're thinking of but still beautiful 8) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney,_British_Columbia

Good point about the rather sudden change in water colors downstream of Bonneville; not sure how that ended up happening, probably a file boundary. In any case I've made a note for a future PNW service pack to revisit the Lower Columbia waterclass.

Lake Tahoe isn't in any of the current Orbx regions though it'll be part of the Northern California region planned for later this year. I guess I better get its color right then... :ph34r:

Cheers, Holger

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Ah, now I feel like such a rube!

I just jumped through the hoop that said "Orbx was an Australian company" right to Sydney with an "I". Sheesh.

Good help is so hard to find nowadays... :)

Thanks, Holger - looking forward to your next NA installment - just put my PayPal credentials on file, eh?

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