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Strange phenomenon

John York

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I've been trying to do a flight from Mackay YBMK to Bowen YBWN and this is what I've been getting despite loading the flight twice;

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The surprising thing is that the detail is there, it's just the water that's changed colour.

I was flying using RWW and both FSWC and FEX were on as usual.  The LOD radius was set to 6.000000 as usual too.  All my other settings are as standard for my flying as usual too.

I'm out of ideas because what foxes me is that the land textures are fine.

Can anyone help please?


Thank you ImageShack

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Yep Wolter.  That worked a treat;

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Thanks for that, and so fast too.  I was able to get my flight in before dark!

Strangely, I've never known that LOD radius not to work for me before.  I have it in all my other settings for other parts of the world with no problem at all.  Mind you, I must admit I've never really noticed the difference it gives anyway.  They say the scenery snaps into sharp focus further out but I've never noticed.  Just kept it in thinking it was the thing to do.

Anyway, have one on me! ;)

I can't get over this wall to wall blue sky and sunshine in Australia.  That was shot with Real World Weather and the temperature was 91 F.  I'm going to emigrate.  Do you think they'll take a couple of 75 year olds? ;D

Thanks again.


Thank you ImageShack

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Yeah, come on down, John.

My maternal grandparents came from Weston-Super-Mare in Somerset (others were from Uphill and Bleadon) and I was born in Hertford, just north of London.

When my Aunt emigrated to Australia after the death of my uncle, she was in her 70's and the only requirement was that her retirement in Australia had to be self-funded. Her English Pension was paid here and she had some other funds of her own. After she passed away at 90 years old, it was my privliedge to take her ashes back to Hailsham to buried with her husband and my Paternal Grandparents.

At least check it out

Oh, and 91F is about 33C which is a nice warm Summer day down under and when a high pressure is overhead we get those pure blue cloudless days.

If that's too hot, try Tasmania - 28C (82F) down there is a heatwave - or so my son, who lives in Geveston, tells me .

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Thanks for the encouragement Benny but I'm not serious.  In my heart I know those temperatures are far too hot for me, and in any case, I could never leave my glorious Somerset.  I was brought up in East London - Plaistow, West Ham as it was then, and spent the best part of my life trying to get away from Basingstoke where my work was based.  We finally got early retirement and have been here ever since and never regretted the move for one minute despite the wind and rain.

All the best to you.


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