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This is Valdez in Alaska in Prepar3d, as you can see, there is a mesh anomaly.. and try as I will, short of a reinstall of Prepa3d I cannot solve this.. Valdez is fine in FTX, and I am at a loss as to why this problem only shows up in prepar3d.. Any ideas would be appreciated. Teecee.


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On my fresh install the terrain is all flat as would be expected. All regions installed and patched, latest libs installed, Tongsass Fjord and some payware aircraft. Though I did have a strange texture issue there. Will upload pics once my flights finished.

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Wolter strike again.. spot on old mate, thank you so much, that problem was really bugging me.. Strangely, I had added a bunch of Tankers on the water at Valdez, and they would not show up, they do now though..Teecee

PS: Just out of interest.. Why is Valdez different from all my other North American stuff, they are all showing "Off" (see screenie)?


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