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Hello all, I did a flight in to Ketchikan lastnight and I had problems with the runway, someone covered it with soil. Do you guys think I should remove and reinstall PNW? I have tried reseting my settings to just about everthing I can think of. One thing I did notice is that I can fly in and land under the soil.

Any Ideas would be wonderful.



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Well I did a Microsoft system restore and it problem has resolved itself, maybe it was a update, I'm not shure why this happened, it was kinda like a baby showing up on my door step. But its gone now.


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Hi Pipe,

glad to hear you've got things fixed. For the record though, Ketchikan is in the Pacific Fjords (PFJ) coverage area, not Pacific Northwest. Issues with odd runway elevations are usually either due to incompatible add-ons or an incomplete instalation of our regions. If the latter seems more likely, first cycle FTX Central once to Default FSX and back to North America. If that doesn't fix it re-install the current service pack (in this case for PFJ) on top of the existing installation.

Cheers, Holger

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Hi all,

I just had the same problem. PAKT and PANT were elevated and broken up. I have PFJ and PAKT addons so my first move was to cycle several times from default to North Am in FTX Central. This did not resolve it. I downloaded and re-installed PFJ because my saved copy would not re-install. I then re-installed the service pack. Then I reloaded PAKT. Then I reinstalled the latest library. That fixed it. Somehow my installed files were corrupted.

On a similar subject. I obtained and installed Flightzone's KPDX for FS9 because I found a file to upgrade it to FSX. It actually works quite well but it is a bit tricky to get it worked out. I am having issues with KTTD. The runway is broken into large sections with about a 10 ft. high wall of ground separating each section and the plane crashes into it. There are also white lines floating over the runway. Approaching KTTD you can see the runway but it changes to ground as you near and if you land you crash into the walls. I haven't figured that one out yet and can't send screen shots at this time. Any ideas? Thanks

good flights, Cal

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