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IFR Qantas QF972 Brisbane - Townsville [30]


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Real life Qantasin flight QF972, prolly not with this plane (or route) though... I left RC4 visible on purpose. Wanted to try something heavy for a change :).

Aircraft: LDS767

Environment: FSX SP2 + FEX SHD + FTX AU

AI: FTX AI Traffic

ATC: Radar Contact 4

Flight Plan

                      FSBUILD FLIGHT PLANFLT REL IFR QF972   YBBN-01/YBTL-01  MACH 80  A/C  B767-300 LEVEL-D           FUEL  TIME    CORR   TOGWT    LDGWT   AVG W/CTAXI      000900 0005  . . . .  325783   305751  P000DEST YBTL 020032 0132  . . . .  ELEV. 18 FTRESV      007794 0045  . . . .ALTN      004896 0028  . . . .  ALTN YBCS   DIST  153HOLD      002598 0015  . . . .EXTRA     003464 0020  . . . .  ZFW 287000      PAYLOAD 090000TTL AT TO 038783 0320  . . . .                  DIST  0637REQD      039683 0325  . . . .                  ETD  1055CLB BIAS 0.0%  CRZ BIAS 2.4%   DSC BIAS 0.0%DEP BIAS 0 MIN 0 DIST 0 FUEL, ARR BIAS 0 MIN 1200 FUELV1=134; VR=139; V2=147; VL=140; %MAC/TO=18%/4.8; ILS01=109.300/016;YBBN 031330Z 35004KT CAVOK 21/20 Q1011 NOSIGYBTL 031330Z AUTO 00000KT 9999NDV // NCD 22/18 Q1013YBBN CORAL4 CORAL Q26 CAPRI UQ493 PROBO V134 ALISN KIRAN SATCO YBTL/0132                        M/H FL                   WIND   ATCTO          NM  AWY     M/C TAS G/S   ZT  ACTME ETA ATA  ACBO ABO REM AREM S2721.9/E15308.3       012 CLB                 000000  YBBBBN 113.20   002 CORAL4  012 390 390 00/00 00/00 1060/... 0001/... 0386/... S2713.0/E15313.4       018 CLB                 000000  YBBBVERRY       009 CORAL4  018 390 390 00/01 00/01 1101/... 0008/... 0379/... S2632.8/E15319.1       357 CLB                 000000  YBBBCORAL       041 CORAL4  357 390 390 00/06 00/08 1108/... 0037/... 0349/... S2502.0/E15206.6       311 CLB                 000000  YBBBLOAFA       112 Q26     311 433 433 00/15 00/23 1123/... 0087/... 0300/... S2351.9/E15112.2       314 340                 000000  YBBBGLA 116.30  086 Q26     314 461 461 00/11 00/35 1135/... 0107/... 0280/... S2216.0/E15011.3       318 340                 000000  YBBBCAPRI       110 Q26     318 461 461 00/14 00/49 1149/... 0131/... 0255/... S2200.4/E14957.1       310 340                 000000  YBBBPROBO       021 UQ493   310 461 461 00/02 00/52 1152/... 0136/... 0251/... S2110.3/E14911.2       310 340                 000000  YBBBMK 112.70   066 V134    310 461 461 00/08 01/00 1160/... 0151/... 0236/... S2036.2/E14827.4       300 340                 000000  YBBBCLIFT       053 V134    300 461 461 00/06 01/07 1207/... 0163/... 0224/... S2010.2/E14754.5       300 340                 000000  YBBBALISN       040 V134    300 425 425 00/05 01/13 1213/... 0170/... 0216/... S1928.5/E14648.1       296 DSC                 000000  YBBBKIRAN       075 DCT     296 343 343 00/13 01/26 1226/... 0184/... 0203/... S1927.7/E14640.0       269 DSC                 000000  YBBBSATCO       008 DCT     269 230 230 00/01 01/28 1228/... 0185/... 0202/... S1915.1/E14645.9       013 DSC                 000000  YBBBYBTL        013 DCT     013 230 230 00/03 01/32 1232/... 0200/... 0187/...

01. Loading customers at stand 86

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02. Jetway off, pushback in progress

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03. This tanker ain't taking my word the tanks are already full, jumbo landing

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04. Rotate for me, go-around for him

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05. Bye bye Brisbane

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06. Cockpit in angle

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07. Earth and clouds

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08. Another office pic

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09. Piece of Australia - mighty pretty too

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10. Ok, this is the last "artistic" cockpit image

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11. River going thru the rural area

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12. Following coast

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13. Plenty sandy beaches

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14. Pretty bird

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15. Another coast pic

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16. Coastline III

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17. Descent started

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18. There's a beach of sand even with the rivers

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19. ATC vectoring me

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20. ATC putting me to path to ILS @ 4000

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21. APP on for two more seconds, the passengers are more interested with the view

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22. Put'em up, err down, this is a landing! Switching to manual landing.

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23. Townsvillen area and masts

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24. Downtown and the runway

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25. Taken from the roof of some building?

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26. It flares until it flares no more, next plane waiting line-up permission

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27. As seen by a passenger...

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28. Wheeeeeee, here we go

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29. And then I saw something awfully red...

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30. Hmm... How do we get passenger down ground from here?

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