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Texture Missing


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I recently had some texture issues with some Return to Misty files. I've remove the files from the Add On folder and reconfiged my scenery config. On a recent flight to PAKT I got a "Failed to Load Texture" message while flying south of the strip. Now when I start the same flight beginning at KSEA I see green boxes at the south end and west side of the field. I think some of the textures have been corrupted but I would like someone with more knowledge to validate that. I also need some help figuring out where the textures are and how to repair them. The textures that didn't load south of PAKT were rundesta.bmp, rundest3a.bmp and bar1.bmp. Don't know if these issues are related.

I appreciate any help I can get.



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Hi Tim,

Thanks for the response. I will take my question regarding the "Failed to load textures" to the folks at RTMM. In regards to "show triggers", yes it was on. I've turned it off and the green boxes are gone! Goes to show you that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I learned of some code that helps you determine if you have missing textures and this was a line in that code. I had no idea what it was supposed to do but I turned it on any. Now I know it makes green boxes. Would you please tell me just for my own information what triggers areas do?

Thanks again for you help,



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Tim and Wolter,

Apologies for not including my orders. Here they are and thanks for helping!


FTX: NA Blue USA/Canada Pacific Northwest – FSS00093427, FTX: NA Blue USA/Canada Northern Rocky Mountains - FSS0101500, FTX: NA Gold USA Central Rocky Mountains - FSS0122263, FTX: NA Blue USA/Canada Pacific Fjords - FSS0094140

FTX: Australia SP4 Download - FSS0110634, FTX: NA KORS Orcas Island - FSS0110634, FTX: NA 3W5 Concrete Municipal Airport - FSS0110634

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