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Pakt over PFJ has created some quick hangs in the screen

Marco Aurelio

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Yes I did.

When I'm approaching to Runway 29 at PAKT, for example, the aircraft climb instrument, shows a instantaneous descent and then stabilize. Time at time the screen hangs quickly....Outside PAKT this doesn't happens !


Marco Aurelio, from BraSil

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Marco, when you say 'hangs' do you mean a slight freeze/stutter? or is the sim crashing at this point?

Also does this always happen when in the same aircraft? try using a mix of aircraft to see if it is related to any one plane. PAKT uses lots of custom textures, so if you are using a texture heavy 3rd party aircraft you may experience a slight pause on approach as your computer loads all the runway textures etc.


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I'm not Marco but I can say that as I'm a few miles from PAKT - about 3nm - the hang effect begin. No matter what aircraft I use. GA, Business or 737-xxx. No matter if I use default Cessna - the same effect occured. No matter about what is my heading. No CTD or nothing else but just hang couple seconds and then 10-15 seconds smooth fly and hang again and it's continue as long as I moving to a parking area.

I got solved those PAKT elevation problems by my self but as long as I remember this problem is always been there. On the other ORBX area this not happen expect 2,5 nm from FSDT's Vancouver (YVR VOR) if I come from KORS heading about 320 degrees. As I pasted those point I have no problems although CYVR is big and complex airport. I mean this that my computer is capable to handle a bigger airports, too and without problems - mayby better than many "harder" PC*s if we read others forum.

PAKT is very nice airport IMO and I use RTMM's freeware scenery, too but this hang effect occured already before I added them so I'm not believe that they can cause this problem - It's something in PAKT it selfs and it would be very nice to find a solution without hang effects all a round Ketchikan...


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We have not had any reports of any "hanging" around PAKT. The first thing you will need to do is disable all the other addons which may be in the area, such as RTMM, any UTX or other third party addons, then try the approaches again. If they persist, then uninstall PAKT, try the default PNW approach, then re-install PAKT.

Only a process of elimination can uncover the possible cause.

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Could be as You said but there is still a lot an others problem with PAKT if You use a search function but let it be. Honestly - I'm boring to do re-installations, un-ticks some sceneries and tick on again - all the time to play with some problems. Some of them are my faults, of course, but many are caused by scenery pack. I have UT Terrain series + Tongass Fjord and I made all tricks that ithey works together with ORBX regions. There is very clear guide about how to do that. Hanging problems started before I added RTMM's so their addons are not the problem. Allways I do as developer's are mentioned as I install regions, updates, airports or libraries and I don't install them as a "bulk". It's a long process and thats why I check that everythings are OK before I'll continue to take a next step during installation. I learned this via a hard way - believe me.

What I want is only to enjoy to fly very nice ORBX USA/BC Canada areas and waiting a lot as the SAK will publish. What I don't want is to fight some scenery problems all the time. I can live with that "hanging" problems and I know that is made some un-usual way. What I know about Ketchikan regions it's very important area IRL and thats why I'm a little bit disapointed that PAKT not work as well as hoped.

Anyway - I'm happy that You are made this wonderfull sim world for us and what the best - these nice sceneries aren't heavy to run with PC.

SAK is in my mind...


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Hi Rolf,

It's a shame to hear you are having problems with PAKT, yes it was a difficult airport to make because of it's unique terrain layout, which means it's a little unconventional in terms of design, which have caused a few annoyances, but for the most part, the customer support issues to do with PAKT have been with terrain elevation or start point altitude, not hangs or performance issues, so it's difficult to know what is causing your problem.

Have you tried turning everything in the PAKT control panel to 'off' and seeing if that cures the hangs? if it does, try turning one thing on at a time and testing to see which is the offending entry


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Hi Russ!

No problem - I leave as it's now. This problem started suddenly and mayby it stops about same way. I can landing, rolling and take-off although some hanging appear - as I said so I can live with that. Just asked if this could find a some solution.

It's nice airport and like it and You are made a good job with PAKT.

And yet - my point isn't critisism but just ask although I told I'm boring to tuning all time FSX or some scenery. It's all is away my main goal - to fly on to nice enviroment.

Best regards


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Dont get me wrong Rolf, i'm not asking you to turn things off and leave it that way, i am purely using that method as a fault finding exercise to try and find the culprit. It really is a necessary step to solving any problems :)

If you turn things off one at a time in the control panel and then test an approach to PAKT, you may find that one option in particular is causing the hangs, you can then let me know which one it is on this thread and i will be in a better position to help solve the issue for you.


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A short report:

PAKT Control Panel -> All things turned OFF.

Landing RW 11 according the approach chart with Carenado's Caravan using instrument landing method.

FPS on the final between 13 - 17

Just before toch downFPS drops 7 and rise then first about 13 and middle of the RW FPS rise to 26 and it's stay these numbers a rest taxiing and the same as I'm a gate.


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Hi Russ, thanks so much for you attention.

I've used the word hang to describe very very eventual quick stop at the screen,, no one FSX crash. Sorry I'm from BraSil....

Ok.. recently after my initial post I changed my HHD to a SSD and the problem remains.

Russ it is a little inconvenient, but before PAKT and the newest library, I didn't have any issue with PFJ Region.

By the way, what's better to run ORBX products, DX9 or DX10 ?

My system : Windows 8 Pro 64, i5 Intel Processor, Z77 Gigabyte motherboard, nVidia GTX 560 TI and a plenty of memory (16 GB ).

Answering your question..I'm using Carenado 185 F and PMDG 737. Ok...I'm going to try to disable some features in PAKT, and than i'll report here .

Thanks and congratulations to your jobs.

Grace and Peace,

Marco Aurelio

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Report continue...

Now I had ticked Airport People flow - Airport Floatplanes - Cruise Liners in Harbour - Additional City Buildings

Approach went as well as my first report - same FPS at the same places...

I'll make my last test flight tomorrow - here is almost night now.


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Thanks Rolf to join us and help to solve this little problem in a wonderfull an unique ORBX add-on !

Grace and Peace,

Marco Aurelioi

Hi Marco!

Thank You!

Well - my ques is that problem can't solve but always can try to find some solution. If I member right so my problems begun after I update ORBX Library and one of the NA Region last December/January - the latest that ORBX published.



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Hi guys,

Can i ask what your water quality slider is set to in your FSX graphics menu? i remember having slight hangs and strange performance when i was around water in FSX and had the water quality slider set high.

Could you also do the following test for me please, go into your FSX world scenery library and turn off the entry for PAKT, allow the library to rebuild and then repeat a test flight into PAKT and tell me if the hangs etc still happen? if they dont your problem is somewhere in the PAKT package, if they do still happen then your problem lies outside of the PAKT package. This is a quick and simple way of determining if PAKT is indeed the source of your issue or not.


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Hi Russ!

I made a few minutus ago my last test ticked all things on and the result was same as my first test yestarday. Ok - I try what You wrote above and I'llreport back... Aaah - well, my water setting is High 2.x otherwise I get odd strange big black areas here and there above water.


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If You means those three files from scnery/world/scenery/...PAKT.bgl I set them OFF and made a same saved flight as before and a result was worse than before although FPS stayed more stable now. Final about 17 without dramatics drops but sim hangs more during approach, final and taxi. I don't know - I'll return back to the normal settings.


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Hi Russ and my new friend Rolf, I've unticked all features in PAKT Control Panel and the problem remains. My water efects settings is Low 2.x. I'd like to report that I saw too what Rolf has reported, " blank areas" over Fjords. They come and go. Now I'm going to try what Ross has suggested. See you soon. Thanks.

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Hi Marco!

What I did after all those tests I add the three PAKT files back to ON and then I opened FTX Central, switch regions Default and back to NA. After that I started FSX, took Carenado's P46 T Malibu and flew from KORS to PAKT. I don't have any idea about what happened but I don't found any problems as I landed to Ketchikan. I used AS2012, REX texture and weather was quite poor. A lot clouds and light snow rain and AI traffic from UT Traffic2.

I don't know if the problems is gone but do tomorrow a new but same test flight because it's long enough to test hardware and FSX. So - a little bit light into tunnel...

Yes - let us to know how Yours test is gone.


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Hi Russ and Rolf,

I've been tried all suggestions, but the problem remains...

I'll wait for some patch in the future...

When I fly away ketchikan the problems disappear, when I approach to Ketchikan the problem comes alive....

By the way how can I uninstall this outstanding airport and use PFJ Region default airport ?

Grace and Peace

Thanks for all.

Marco Aurelio.

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Hi Marco!

The FAQ sections are many tips for "How I..."


Well - sorry to hear that You can't to find solution for this problem. I made today the same trip as yestarday but I used RealAir B60 Duke at this time. End of final (PAKT) the airport like jump up and down but nothing else abnormal I didn't found and yes - this was first time as I saw this happened. Odd at all...

Tell me about what happen as You use default airport.



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Hi Guys, it seems you have misunderstood my last test... Do not turn any bgl's OFF, leave your scenery folders alone.... simply start FSX and go to PAKT airport as if you are about to fly, then from the "World" option in the FSX menu, go to "Scenery Library" and turn off PAKT by unticking it in the list of scenery you have. Then test the PAKT area without PAKT being active, if your problem still occurs then the problem is not with PAKT.

Let me know the outcome


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Hi Russ,

I'd like to suggest that you check the position of Pakt and the PFJ default airport. Today I made the following test :

I've Disabled all PFJ components in Scenery library (Scenery..Custom...Mesh..CVX) and the program ran much better and I noticed too that the position of PAKT was slightly shifted compared with PFJ. I hope that you can verify that. Thanks. I've been very impressed with the FSx still working....and the vicinity of Pakt has maintained its outstanding visual...

Pakt is a wonderfull and unique airport and I think that wil be well worthy to enhance that add on.


Marco Aurelio.

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The PAKT addon is very accurate in it's placement because it uses aerial imagery to place the airport exactly in it's own footprint, so dont worry about the slight shift between packages, you should only have either one or other active, so it makes no difference.

you say you turned off PFJ also, did you try with PAKT turned off but with PFJ still active?

Yes, turning the region off will provide a slight performance boost because you will then be flying over defaut FSX scenery which has a much lower density of autogen annotation.


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I am not sure why these hangs persist for you Marco, it would be helpful to hear from anyone else with the same issue, as once the usual problem solving steps are exhausted, it's difficult to know where to look unless several users are able to point to common factors etc.

I'm sorry i cant be more directly helpful at this stage


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  • 3 months later...

Hello Russ and friends,


Recently I realized that the correct word to describe my issue, as reported above, is stutter....to describe quick hangs...OK.


After some time I realized too that the weather stations around PAKT and PANT was causing such stuttering when running under FSX built-in real time weather engine. When I began using REX Essential Plus along FSUIPC smoothing wind tab feature the problem has gone ! 


Thanks so much for your attention,


Pakt is an outstanding add-on along PFJ Region. Congratulations Russ, once more, to your pretty Job.




Marco Aurelio.

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