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Doctors baffled by medical mystery at Lismore


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alltough it is funny with these oddities,

I must advice you to find where you have doubled up your textures, as exactly this kind of little things are a cause to let your fsX run into a brickwall on some occasions and also account for long loading times as the sim wants to load both and can't make it's mind up, so it's up to you fella's ;)

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How do you check up on duplicated textures? I guess there's a simple way, but it would be nice to know....OK I admit it - I have "3-arm Pegleg Pete" as well! ;D Any advice appreciated from the experts. Ta.

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Mark and Wolter - thanks for the warning - but I can only echo the two posts above [presumably also referring to Lismore?] How on earth do I track down the suspect files? Since Pegleg Pete behaves normally at other airfields, it would seem that something at Lismore must be responsible. But I've just combed the scenery and texture files in Addon Scenery/ Lismore FSX and can't see any duplicates - or, indeed, any file identifiable as Pegleg Pete. So  what next? Delete Lismore and reinstall? This is important to me, because I'm having the exact PC sticky/slowdown problems Wolter describes, and I badly need any possible solution...

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I'm not at my FSX PC but it will be a jar*PLC.bgl, possibly named jar_YLIS_PLC.bgl or jar_Lismore_PLC.bgl that's duplicated (could be *PLC1 or *PLC2 if there's more than 1 PLC for the scenery, too).  Duplication of textures has no effect in this case.  Thing is if this bgl is duplicated: it's most likely there are others, too.  Look for nested folders or the same folders just appearing twice.  But, even then, you'd only expect them to show in-sim if they're all enabled.  Keep this thread alive if this doesn't work and I'll have a look this arvo (GMT+10)

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Ok, I've been looking for Lismore files & found them in the Ozx folder & I have noticed the following files, which although aren't the same file names they indicate they might be the same thing;

jar_lismore hangars_lib.bgl


jar_lismore misc ga_lib.bgl




There are also another two which might be suspect, but might actual be just two files which are ok;



Mark, if you have any suggestions I'd be happy to take notice. I realise from the Qzx folder that Lismore is probably not an Orbx field but as we are on the "sniff" of something I'm sure we can follow this through here.


I just removed all the jar_lismore_xxx_lib.bgl files listed above & I couldn't notice any difference. I then removed jar_lismoredefault2_plc.bgl & "hey presto" a miracle cure for "old peg leg". He's looking very healthy now.

This leaves at least 2 more questions now;

Do I need any of the Lib files which were removed?

If any Lib files should be removed, have I taken the correct copies or should I have taken the other ones?


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Mark will have the definitive answer, but I think you'll find that you only need to remove either jar_lismoredefault_plc.bgl or jar_lismoredefault2_plc.bgl.  No need to remove lib.bgl files.  The question is whether the field is fine with just one of those PLC files, or whether some developer work needs to be done to combine them.

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Looks like a search in your FSX folder for jar_lis*plc.bgl should find if you have doubleups.  You are looking for identical filenames in different folders.

Pegleg Pete is default FSX so deleting John Ross's LIBs will have no effect.  You are looking for duplicated PLC placement files.

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After Mark's post I have put back the Lib files, which makes no visual difference to me but have not put jar_lismoredefault2_plc.bgl back. Everything still works ok, hopefully. I've also searched the whole of fsx for duplicates as Mark suggested but haven't found any files with duplicate names. That's about all I can do as Lismore & "peg leg" both look ok, except for the wind socks pointing in the wrong direction. Of course the scenery is so detailed that I might have removed something which I hadn't noticed missing.



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Thanks, Mark. Searching the FSX folder produces 12  Lismore jar_ files, but no trace of jar_lis*plc.bgl.

I'm not worried about Pegleg: a friendly character like that is always welcome to share my PC.  My concern is that duplicate files of any kind may possibly be screwing it up, and how to trace them.

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