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Melbourne to Canberra via Merimbula

John York

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I think I'm going to have to do something about my anti-aliasing filtering.  However here's a little picture story.  Hope you like it;

Turned the Mooney back over Melbourne to head for Merimbula

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Merimbula for lunch, a game of golf, then off to Canberra with a change of 'plane

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Sorry to leave here.  It's such a pretty place.

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Turning and climbing from the coast to fly over the hills to Canberra at 8,500'

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The Ciai Marchetti SF200 is a delight to fly but a pig to land so I have to concentrate here.

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Down and safely parked at Canberra Airport.

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Hope you enjoyed the journey.  I did.

The reason for my comment about landing the Ciai Marchetti is that the nose on it is extraordinarily long and its difficult to

raise the seat sufficiently to see the runway during the slight flare needed immediately before touch-down.


Thank you ImageShack for an almost perfect hosting.

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Thank you Iain.  I wondered if anyone would notice. 

It was fine at the stage those two pictures were taken but I had forgotten how heavy the Socata is on frame rates and only then realised that because of that it was probably going to be a swine getting it down and parked in Canberra.  So I changed to the Ciai Marchetti for the rest of the ride.  That's fine on frame rates but as I said, does have this problem of getting its long nose in the way.  Still, I got it down somehow.

Truth is I really like the Mooney, especially for the longer journeys, but would you believe?  They've given it tinted windows so everything looks duller than it should be!

Never satisfied me!


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