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Level of Detail settings?


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Re LOD, I read in this forum of adjusting the LOD radius level to below 8.5 to minimize potential OOM issues. In FSX, the adjustment settings are max, med, low, etc.

Where are these adjustments being made in actual values? My FSX.cfg indicates the LOD to be 4.5 with my LOD set to max in FSX.

Is this where I make the adjustments? Doesn't seem like it as its lower than the recommended.

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The max setting in Fsx is 4.5. If you want to set it higher you have to do it in the .cfg. But if you apply the settings in FSX later it will set LOD back to 4.5

A LOD of 8.5 definatelly looks great but the problem is that more objects have to be loaded. And as LOD is a radius doubling the radius means four times as much area. So be carefull with too high LODs.

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