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EUUK Goodwood Problems


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Goodwood Installed OK EXCEPT FOR

MISSING People Flow, Grass, Static Planes etc.

AND Trench on start & finish straight!

I have exact same problems & symptoms as Grayjay has posted today.

Following advice given to him-

- I confirm I have 50 Files

- I confirm ObjectFlow_EGHR.dll is always present - is 348 KB

I have tried all the following to no avail:

Using Moduleinstaller.exe. Note I get same message as Graham

existing module entitled "ObjectFlow_EGHR.dll" was found and removed from dll.xml and that the module dll file "ObjectFlow_EGHR.dll" was added to dll.xml.

Set FTX Aero as manual

All FSX settings as manual

FSX Scenery Library - Unselected every add-on other than FTX ORBX

FTX Central - switched between regions and back re-launched FSX several times

Uninstalled Goodwood & re installed with Default FSX Region - No change so tried Moduleinstaller .

Uninstalled Goodwood & re installed with Europe Region applied - No change so tried Moduleinstaller.

Cant think of anything that can be causing this!

(FYI- EGHR control panel opened with everything pre-ticked, have also tried un-ticking & back)

Your help appreciated



Screen shot of trench:

Posted Image

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Slightly different to me Dave - you have the parked vehicles whereas I have nothing apart from the airport buildings. I'm still trying to work out what's going on.

Did you get the usual FSX 'nag' when a new dll is added, asking you if it was to be trusted? My impression is that this is supposed to happen, but I didn't get any notification at all.

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apparantly the module installer didn't activate for reasons unknown to me,

please go to your => .....\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGHR\Scenery folder and right click the ModuleInstaller. exe and run as Administrator

Also switch via FTXCentral to default fsX hit Apply and then switch back to Europe and hit Apply

Also make sure you have the latest library files installed

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Thanks Wolter.

Yes I have tried running ModuleInstaller. exe as administrator and switching back and forth in FTX Central and I do have the latest library installed.

By the way my Module config shows this and nothing else is this correct?


AppName=Dynamic Object Placement module



Can we please confirm if the library is running? - What can I look for that is unique to the latest library? Anybody know this?



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Hi Graham,

Thats interesting that I have the cars and you dont. There must be a clue there somewhere? They are first in the list at the EGHR Control Panel - complexity settings, so I am getting some of the stuff, and you none!

RE: the usual FSX 'nag' when a new dll is added - NO I havent had this - CAN SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM if they have had this with a successful installation?

Re you Icon tray issues - only thing I had was my this: FTX Central icon had moved into the tray from desktop (After installation of EUUK and would not come back). BUT after Goodwood it WAS back on desktop!

I have xmas stuff to do but will be back and forth on the forum today and over Christmas.



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Hi Cliff,

Great thanks for getting back - this may help us pin it down ......Just a thought - do you mean you had the nag when you were launching your free flight - or at some other time?

If I may can I ask a couple of questions?

Do you by any chance recall which link you downloaded Goodwood from - UK or Germany, global etc.

On Opening the EGHR Control Panel - where all the options pre-ticked?

I have since noticed I get a warning (could not switch option) on the Grass & People Flow tick boxes, do you get this?

Many thanks for your help and have a great Xmas


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Quick up-date -- I'm starting to get to bottom of this!

Had a few minutes spare and tried moving EUUK Scenery to top of stack in scenery library just two files so far FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY & 07 MESH they were at position 120 just above FTX NA AU etc.

This has resulted in Trench GONE! Static aircraft appeared and some grass!

BUT I am having conflicting buildings (sitting inside) I presume this is the default FTX alongside Goodwood add-on. I have no people flow and not looked for the other stuff yet.

Anyway needs more time I just though I'd post for Graham and any others who may encounter similar problems over Christmas.

Take care



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Although I didn't get any mesh issues with this airport, I did notice that I didn't have ANY cars, trees, people flow, or the great BMW motor bikes. Tried the tips to run the Moduleinstaller, but didn't work. On a whim I just reinstalled Goodwood, but didn't install the libraries agin afterwards (which I did originally). Went back to good wood and low and behold, I have it in all it's glory with trees cars and bikes. It now looks GREAT.

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Hi Cliff,

Great thanks for getting back - this may help us pin it down ......Just a thought - do you mean you had the nag when you were launching your free flight - or at some other time?

If I may can I ask a couple of questions?

Do you by any chance recall which link you downloaded Goodwood from - UK or Germany, global etc.

On Opening the EGHR Control Panel - where all the options pre-ticked?

I have since noticed I get a warning (could not switch option) on the Grass & People Flow tick boxes, do you get this?

Many thanks for your help and have a great Xmas


Hi Dave, sorry not to have seen this and replied earlier - enjoying the family in town for the holidays.

I'm afraid I cannot remember which I used, sorry about that. Probably the cloud, but am not sure as I downloaded several things that day.

All options were indeed preticked when I first opened the panel.

I received no warning along the lines you describe. The nag came when FSX first opened in free flight.

Good luck with getting to the bottom of it - and enjoy the holidays!

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Yay! thanks to Grahams post I've managed to get mine working also.

Solution was to download the latest FSUIPC and low and behold! - I also got the object flow Dll warnings etc. Everything was solved once I re-installed EGHR.

Only minor issue now - is that I dont appear to have any moving vehicals in my landscape or at Goodwood, but I guess that will solve itself in due course.

I checked and People Flow is now working on a couple of other PNA airports previously with problems.

It might be an idea for ORBX to make a point about users requiring an up to date FSUIPC file. I checked the Goodwood manual I dont think its there.

Anway for those that dont have latest version 4 - its available here. http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/FSUIPC4.zip

So - Happy New year to all - and those who helped solve the problem.



So cheers, many thanks to thosw that offered advice and Happy New Year to you all


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It might be an idea for ORBX to make a point about users requiring an up to date FSUIPC file. I checked the Goodwood manual I dont think its there.

Glad you got it sorted Dave.

Just to clarify FSUIPC is NOT a requirement for Goodwood nor any other ORBX regions or airports. We'll have to do some investigation but it seems as though the ObjectFlow dlls have for some reason been suppressed when FSX started. My guess would be that updating FSUIPC has triggered FSX into action (for want of a better technical explanation!).

You mentioned you had issues with people flow at other NA airports. As a matter of interesting which airports and what was the problem?



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Well done Dave - just a point though, I didn't update FSUIPC, all I did was to deselect the 'non-FTX' scenerey and run FSX, it was at that point that I got the dll nag which also included FSUIPC (which had also gone walkabout - hey, this 'walkabout' thing isn't some kind of Aussie curse on us Brits is it? :blink: ) and when I got to the scenery most of it had then appeared OK. Then the reinstall brought everything into line.

I just hope this post and mine might be of some help to anyone else having minor issues with the installation. Glad you got your sorted out though - don't know about you but it felt like I'd been given another Christmas present.

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Glad you got it sorted Dave.

Just to clarify FSUIPC is NOT a requirement for Goodwood nor any other ORBX regions or airports. We'll have to do some investigation but it seems as though the ObjectFlow dlls have for some reason been suppressed when FSX started. My guess would be that updating FSUIPC has triggered FSX into action (for want of a better technical explanation!).

You mentioned you had issues with people flow at other NA airports. As a matter of interesting which airports and what was the problem?



Hi Greg,

Sorry for delay in getting back.

After updating to latest FSUIPC and launcining FSX I got a the FSUIPC and dll prompt, I didn't read what it was since I was expecting hoping I would get it and thus things were on the mend! What surprised me was I got one then another and another and so on! I wish I had counted, I think it was around 4 or 5?.

So once I got over the joy of having Goodwood working I explored some other add-ons. IThe first was W16 Monroe I had installed a few days earlier and had no luck in getting people flow to run including re-installing and running the Moduleinstaller as Administrator. However post FSUIPC4 it was now working!

Next was WA 79 I had up-dated but not seen any People Flow but now it was there!

Likewise Hervey Bay - People flow I am pretty sure was not there previously.

So it would appear the latest FSUIPC unlocked a lot of new stuff for me, unless it was the fact that I had also de-selected all my Non FTX scenery as per Graham's solution, less likely I would have thought ?

Hope that answers your question



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Well done Dave - just a point though, I didn't update FSUIPC, all I did was to deselect the 'non-FTX' scenerey and run FSX, it was at that point that I got the dll nag which also included FSUIPC (which had also gone walkabout - hey, this 'walkabout' thing isn't some kind of Aussie curse on us Brits is it? :blink: ) and when I got to the scenery most of it had then appeared OK. Then the reinstall brought everything into line.

I just hope this post and mine might be of some help to anyone else having minor issues with the installation. Glad you got your sorted out though - don't know about you but it felt like I'd been given another Christmas present.

Hi Graham,

I note youre point re FSUIPC - out of interest which version are you running?

I find it had to attribute some of my additional Peole Flow gains to just de-selecting Non- FTX scenery, but maybe that is the case?

Are you using any kind of anti virus with youre mac? I'm on PC and using AVG.

And yes it was indeed like another Christmas present :)



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Hi Dave

My FSUIPC4.DLL is version 4.827 - however I have dowloaded the latest version and will update the dll when I next boot into WIndows.

I have no anti-virus running on my PC partition (Bootcamp) as all my downloading is done through my Mac on which I have Sophos running - hope that makes sense.

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