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EGHR with UK2000


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I have all of the ORBX products and each one I enjoy, The only area I do not have is Great Britiain for which I have UK2000 with trees and all of the airports. I purchased EGHR and it fits seamlessly into my UK2000 base except for the lack of trees in the EGHR area. I also run P3D from Lockheed Martin(commercial version) since I am a pilot. I will be acquiring the England base from ORBX since UK2000 does not load on that platform. There I will be able to compare the two in the next day or so. I would however like to have a fully treed version of EGHR in FSX. The FSX world is more comlete and has PMDG products.Anyone out there able to get that result. AND will ORBX fix that glitch for those of us who like their scenery, but are very satisfied with UK2000 as a base. Don

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