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Navigation lights problem


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Hello, i have a question concerning planes navigation lights. I have just made a fresh fsx installation and something is wrong with my plane lights ( default or payware) they have huge nav lights! I have post three pictures just to have a look . Any help will be much appreciated!

Thank you, Mike.

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I forgot to mention that i have also installed SHO-160 3D Lights!

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Thank you for your reply, is there any way i can change the value in their aircraft config. (and not the sim's values) cause in some planes the lights are ok , and others are kind of huge!

That Spitfire looks like A2A, they install their own lights with their aircraft, like most payware. You also have the 3D lights installed, what you're seeing looks pretty normal.

Thanks Bruce for your reply, in the third shot, as you can see there is something like a halo effect around the red nav light which i think i did not have this in the past! I don' t know how it got there!
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In case of, you can check out your effects folder and namely the fx_2 bmp as that controls fsX lights, and or adapt your aircraft cfg file to indicate which light effects you want to use

Hello Walter, could you please be more specific in how to name the fx_2 bmp that controls fsX lights, because i am not sure how to do this.

Thank you Mike.

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Hello Mike

I don't think Wolter is referring to renaming "fx_2 bmp" but to check that file. If you rename it, you will lose those lights, at least on airplanes that use it. Some addons change that file for an "enhanced" effect.

Please chack your file's modified date and size.

This is how the stock "fx_2.bmp" looks like in FSX SP2

Size 43 KB, Modified Date 26/07/2006 09:41 p.m.

Posted Image

You can also open (and edit) that file by using DXTBMP, but if you do, first make a backup copy.

Hope that helps.


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Hello Mike

I don't think Wolter is referring to renaming "fx_2 bmp" but to check that file. If you rename it, you will lose those lights, at least on airplanes that use it. Some addons change that file for an "enhanced" effect.

Please chack your file's modified date and size.

This is how the stock "fx_2.bmp" looks like in FSX SP2

Size 43 KB, Modified Date 26/07/2006 09:41 p.m.

Posted Image

You can also open (and edit) that file by using DXTBMP, but if you do, first make a backup copy.

Hope that helps.


Thank you Ramon for your help, i will check it out!
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