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Hi All

My FSX had to be completely reinstalled.

Now I am reinstalling all my ORBX files.

Installed 4 NA areas (CRM, NRM, PFJ, PNW) with latest service packs for them.

Now when I reinstall my airports (and any service packs for them) they installed successfully but I also get an error message:

"Unable to load library: "C:\FSX\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_*KBVS\Scenery\Objectflow_KBVS.dll

The FSX?ESP module will probably not work correctly."

(*KBVS is replaced with whichever airport I am loading").

I am running Windows XP Pro s.p.3 and FSX s.p.2


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Hi Tim:

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I installed FTXORBXLIBS_121010.exe

It is the latest one but I downloaded it again in case my original download might have been corrupt.

Even though I got the error messages on some of the airports they do seem to be o.k.

I have 10 more airports to install and I'll see if I still get the error on any on them.

I will keep you posted as to how they go.

Thanks again for your help.

Best Regards


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I'm in the process of re-installing all of my ORBX Airports.

I installed 3 more of them (1S2, 3W5, KORS) WITH NO ERROR MESSAGES.

While installing Cushman Meadow (KCMW)The installing window shows 100% and the cancel button is lit.

I am also seeing another window with the same Module Installer ERROR message as before.

After I click the OKAY button in the Module Installer ERROR window the install program window's EXIT button is enabled and when I press it that window closes.

When I open KCMW Control Panel in FTX Central all the radio buttons work.

When I start up FSX it asks if I want to install KCMW as a trusted installer; I click yes and FSX completes installing.

When I go the Scenery Library KCMW is listed.


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