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PNW GA AI traffic performance


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First, let me start by saying that I love the busy environment this package provides.

However, I've begun to experience some intermittent performance issues even at 50% GA traffic density. Sometimes the performance impact is hardly noticeable, even when I start my flight at a relatively busy GA airport like KORS with several AI planes taxiing or taking off. At other times, my frame rate drops from a steady 30 FPS to an unplayable level. I recently had that issue flying around the San Juan Islands, FPS was fine for some time, then began to drop to 11 FPS or less. Going to display settings and disabling GA traffic solved the problem. After restarting FSX with traffic back at 50 or even 100, performance was OK again... I resumed my flight from a saved game when the issue happened -- could this be a contributing factor, i.e. could the AI engine somehow become overloaded?

Has anyone else experienced similar issues?

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