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FTX GA AI package - No textures?


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I installed the new release of FTXNA GAAI pkg and, although the aircraft show up, they have no textures. Any Ideas? Is it ok to reinstall the package? Should I uninstall the package first if I do so?

Thanks, this is going to be great when I get this little problem worked out.


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It seems most FTX NA AI aircraft (of what I saw) are only DX9 compatible.

I am now hooked to DX10 so that is unfortunate for me. Textures display just fine when using DX9.

Anyway, At the end I had to disable the FTX NA AI Traffic package, moved all FTX AI aircraft to another folder and re enabled the "old" traffic files because my FPS dropped quite a lot, both on DX9 and DX10. :-[

(Some more testing needed regarding my FPS drop before starting a thread about that)

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