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YMML V2 Texture Problem Taxiway


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Of all my Orbx airports, YMML & YBBN (and bluriness of certain textures within it) causes me some level of frustration.

All scenery settings as suggested by Orbx (YMML V2 - Manual) are adhered to.

Anyone have any clues as to why the Taxiways F & G (Rwy 16/34) and Taxiway M & N (Rwy 09/27) are doing this? The screenshot shows Taxiway F (as I exit Rwy 34). For the most part, all other areas within and out of the airport are clear and sharp. The same occurs at YBBN with it's taxiways.

nb: I am using "Cracked" option for ground surfaces. (My sig should have my system specs). Also, this blurring does not show up if I depart from the airport. Only when I arrive.

Thanks in advance.


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The runways them selves use a ground poly model with normal textures like the buildings, while the taxiways and aprons use Photoreal. Blurry Photoreal occurs due to high flying speeds and your computer performance and graphic cards filter settings. Also you can get blurrys if you change views often.

There are a number of posts in the Tips, Tricks and Techniques forums that might help you improve the PR loading speed and recovery from high speed induced blurs. With the right settings you should be able to get some improvement.

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