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Bowerman KHQM Taxiway lights.


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I don’t know if this topic should be here or on another sub-forum.

Is there a way to adjust the brightness of the taxiway lights at Bowerman KHQM, and on other ORBX airports?

My eyesight is not PPL material therefore I can´t see them lit from the cockpit at dusk or night, and in spot plane view they are barely visible for me.

I have searched all around these forums and other sites, but have not found a solution.

(Apparently 3D Light Redux won’t help there either)

At the moment I only own a few ORBX airports, but I’m afraid this will happen also on other ORBX airports.

I would be much obliged if you could help me brighten those lights if possible.

Day view of taxiway

Posted Image

Night View (Aircraft lights off)

Posted Image

From the Apron

Posted Image

RWY lights are also dim, but i have kind of "tweaked" those with ORBX lights and REX.

Thank You

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Hi there,

Moved this to the freeware section for you,

I tried to make Bowerman as close to reality as possible, so those are not taxiway lights but more just reflectors, I added a tiny amount of light to them to add the feeling they were actually reflecting the light back, the RWY lights are the default FSX runway lights seen on almost all default strips, these are (almost) the best lights around in terms of visibility,

Posted Image

However I can understand if you find them hard to see so I have altered the lightmap for those reflectors especially for you,

download the attached file below and unzip and drop into FSX/ORBX/FTX_NA/FTX_AA_KHQM/Texture

Let me know how that works for you ;)




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