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Amazing scenery with a small issue [OS39]


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Hello, Ken and Greg , Congratulations on the wonderful and amazing scenery you have created. It is a masterpiece, worth's every penny, well done! There is however a small issue with 49OR Lands Inn, and that is: After landing and while taxiing for parking close to Texaco hangar it Crashes! I do not know if there is a bug or something else , i have tried to taxi many times but it keeps on crashing. Any advice or help will be appreciated.

Thank you, mike

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do you have crash detection on, the hangar models crashbox is quite large also theres the other buildings etc , FSX crash detection is not the most predictable as the crash boxes are often very much larger than the object. a screenshot of where your crashing would help



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Hello Ken , i have just seen some shots of 49OR, posted by alexf , parked outside the Texaco hangar, i do not know how he managed it. I am starting to think that it is my pilot skills the problem, and that there is nothing wrong with the scenery. I apologize for posting an issue , i will give it a try tomorrow. Thanks for helping.


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as Ken pointed out crash boxes in FSX are rather unpredictable due to being oversize in many cases. The quickest and best solution is to simply turn crash detection off.

Of course then it devolves into personal Integrity and admitting when pilot error has caused a crash. At least the sim doesn't dump you out and make you start over unless you want to do that. (Dealer's (pilot's) choice).


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yeh that hangar had an issue of dissappearing when we got up close at some angles so to stop that I had to increas the size with a poly under the ground 20 meters under the ground but that made the crash box bigger

the plc did have the crash turned off but due to the unusual shape and re exporting it may have lost the no crash tag

Personally I hate the crash boxes I tried for a long time to use crash detection then I'd hit an invisable object near a tree trunk, then I learned that the crash boxes on those trees go way past the trunk, several models are made as a a number of models all in the one object to increase performance however the crash box goes around the imaginary perimeter of a box that would fit all the buildings in, the cows wander and there crach box covers the whole area they wander so even if you miss the cow you hit the crash box. Untill they come up with a better way of detecting crashes I will leave mine off, it's a personal thing

hope that helps explain some things



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I'll check the model between now and a possible patch in the future, and will remove the crashbox from the hangar, but of course thats almost the same as turning of crash detection as you can then taxi though the walls without crashing.

cheers Ken

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Ok Ken, i have followed your advice, and i have turned off crash detection. No more crashes on any objects, buildings etc... , everything is smooth now. (i will post a screenshot outside Texaco hangar soon ). Thank you very much for your reply and assistance.


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