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FTX Central error message

Fred Solli

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A small problem occured in the FSX version of the newest FTX Central. When choosing "FTX Scenery Insertion Points" I get an error saying "FTXConfigurator" has stopped working. Problem details says:

Problem Event Name: CLR20r3

Problem Signature01: ftxconfigurator.exe

Problem Signature02:

Problem Signature03: 4e4b9e53

Problem Signature04: mscorlib

Problem Signature05:

Problem Signature06: 4ee9d7cd

Problem Signature07: 3fdb

Problem Signature08: 106

Problem Signature09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException


When closing the error message I get the window to set instertion points and it is working.

P3D version is working perfectly.

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I dont know if its related to this error but ive had some random elevation issues in pnw ( i don't get out of pwn much ), today i noticed it at Ocean Shores ( runway/taxiways was sunk and the ground around it was higher ), was doing some low flying around the bay in a EC135, I landed where i planed to land at western then loaded direct in to Ocean Shows and the issue was gone.

My pc is on its last legs so it could be that.

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OK, I think i know what's happening, your FTXConfigurator.exe is a different version (P3D version in fact), so right-clicking the file and selecting properties, your version should be


if it's, then you have the P3D version.

Here is the FSX version FTXConfigurator.zip

Drop it into the ORBX\Scripts and ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\Work folders.

Hope that fixes things.

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Make sure you copy it to both folders Freds

for me it was

E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts


E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\Work

I only put it in one at first and got the error but when i read Ed's post again it worked a charm :)

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