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purchase suggestion


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i very recently purchased the orbx pnw and so far absolutely loving it. i am using it for general aviation with air hauler and it has been a pretty busy few days for me with the scenery. Although i told myself i have to wait a while before i start to spend more money ( already bought rex,gex,utx and a bunch of planes) i am thinking of buying an additional region.

i am looking for recommendation here,... What do i get next?

Ideally i think i want Northern california next but thats not released yet :)..

wondering if there is a payroll deduction at flightsimstore so these things dont show up on the credit cards ;)

Does it makes sense to get Australia? it will give me a very large region to fly through - but then its quite far from pnw and since i only do GA aircrafts i will have to have 2 bases ..

Do i buy Central Rockies? Northern Rockies? Pacific Pfjords?

i like pnw because along with grass strips it also has a many decent sized airports i can land and not have airhauler ding me for hard landing :)

i am positive i am not the first one asking whats next and not the first one who thinks he has to limit his wallet but any help on this appreciated for this addiction..

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If you are really enjoying the PNW then I would consider Northern Rocky Mountain's next. It is kind of like an extension of the same that extends east.

Central Rockies is a different terrain as it extends south to more arid regions and Fjords extends north to more remote locations and dense coastal forests. Both are great as well.

I would plan on getting all of them but what it comes down to is what you feel like doing next. Take the time with each region when you buy them. When you've explored most of each region and your budget allows, go for the next region until eventually you have them all.

And as Edward has mentioned...NZNI is excellent as ORBX has really improved it's scenery technology with that one, so consider that one as well.


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CRM has some great bush strips in Idaho and also has Yellowstone and the Tetons in it.

I like the topography in NZSI. NZNI is great. AU is great. NRM is great. PFJ is great. Sensing the pattern?

You really can't go wrong with any ORBX region.

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Any north american region will please you but don't overlook Aus with it's many freeware airports from Ozx, for that matter be it north america or Oz you will find many freeware airports both in FTX and Ozx.Thats on top of the excellent payware airports in FTX for most regions.

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Welcome ss,

I'm rather new here as well, and for that matter, new to the FTX experience. I like it--a lot! And I also suffered from your exact dilema--where to go after PNW? I recommend that you drop the various .kmz files in Google Earth and get a visual of exactly where the different regions are located. So, I opted for the NRM after PNW and have just recently added CRM. Those 3 fill in this corner of North America really well and offer many options for flying with realistic terrain. I'll then add PFJ very soon, and NCA when it's released. (There's also the Tongass Fjords region by Holger Sandmann that meshes seamlessly with the PFJ, but sold by another company.) I've added a couple of FTX add-on airports--Stark's Twin Oaks (7S3) as my base (I live a few hundred yards from there--as the crow flies), and Jackson Hole (KJAC) because it also enhances the whole Teton's area. Amazing scenery! I'm itching to add more airports in the PNW. And as others have said, don't forget the excellent freeware airports that FTX offers for the regions. They've just added another one for PNW last week (7WA3 - West Wind), but I don't see it on the web site yet. And don't forget to add the free Portland city scape--really well done. And one more thing--don't forget to add the various patches and service packs for the regions and airports. FTX is always improving their products and it shows in these patches.

Well, I've said (more than) enough, already. Enjoy your new simming experience! I know I am.


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Thanks everyone. I'm sure I will finally end up owning most of the regions eventually. I have added the freeware airports for pnw already. I have khqm, 7wa3 and I think 2s1.

I also have the ozx freeware update.

I will take a look at northern Rockies based on the suggestions here next. I also like austrlia as i get the whole area in a package.

Again thanks for the help


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