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Need HELP from old VOZ dev

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Hello I need Help from an old VOZ dev for an issue with VOZ 1.8 so I have VOZ installed as it should but I have a conflict with FSGenesis payware 38m mesh and coastlines from Raimondo Taburet the problem is that I end up with double coastlines because ou coastlines that are included in VOZ 1.8 in the "FS9-->Addon Scenery-->VozScenery-->Scenery" folder I would like to deactivate the .DLL files for the aussie coastlines that are in that VOZ folder to keep only FSGenesis for mesh and raimondo's coastlines and keep all of my other VOZ stuff . so if someone knows the name of the .DLL files that deal with coastlines in the "VOZ Scenery-->Scenery" Folder help would be welcome the scenery used is from Ross Casey ! that's all I know . thank you for help.


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he has already asked on the VOZ legacy forum but I'm the only response he recieved and I no longer use FS9 and no longer have VOZ. I suggested he ask on the regular forums in the hope that someone wiht the info he needs would help Xav out.


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