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Winter Weather - Coffs Harbour to Port Macquarie

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G'day all,

Been a few weeks since I got some pics up - work has kept me very busy and on the move around the country. With West Oz's long weekend just past, I managed to slip in a couple of flights to test out the new REX Essential weather engine with some realtime weather over some typically awesome ORBX scenery downunder. This is the first of two posts from those flights, and this one was flown from Coffs Harbour to Port Macquarie along the northern coast of NSW. A nice leisurely flight in the Tecnam Sierra, made interesting by the gusty and turbulent weather.

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Nice fluffy cu's over the sea

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Dodging the weather at 5,000'

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Weather was getting a bit thick, so I decided to drop down to 2,000' to try and keep the ground in sight

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Down to 1,500' and below cloudbase now, the weather is clearing ahead but I'm nearly at Port Macquarie

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Almost on arrival, looking out at some heavy, flat bottomed cu's with some scud... looks like we could be in for some rain later.

Hope you like 'em!



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