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Orbx "Slower Traffic v3" has deleted all my vehicle traffic

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I recently installed "Orbx Slower traffic v3" but found to my dismay it not only "slowed" it but eliminated all vehicle traffic completely, both highway and airfield. It also removed all vehicles from my UK VFR airfields. Has anyone else had this happen or can tell me how to reinstate my vehicular traffic? As a result, I removed "Slower Traffic" having found it in the Orbx Root under the bizarre name of "Goodies". I hoped that this would cure the problem but it had no effect.

FSS155835 SP4 dvd/FTX0158091-AUYBCS Cairns/FSS0158387-AUYBBN Brisbane/FSS0158643-AUYBUD Bundaberg/

FSS0158662-AUYCDR Caloundra/FSS0158672-AUYSTW Tamworth/FSS0158699-AUYWVA Warnervale. plus freewareYMLT/YLIL/YRED/YBLN/YCUN/


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I've also tried now to completely reload FTX SP4 to see if this fixed the problem.No change.This "slower traffic" thing is as bad as a virus. It wont go away. Recommend extreme caution as it appears to have got into FSX itself. Can the author of this product advise? I now get a message when I load Flight Simulator that there is a problem caused by one of "slower traffic" files still there. It has even removed the static airport vehicles.

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Note to Administrator- I found that this topic is already under discussion in "Tips Tricks & Techniques under - #Orbx Slower Traffic (Worldwide) Var 3.00 . so I suggest that this thread be closed and any further discusion be addressed to that site. The suggestions on that site have solved the problem. Seek and ye shall find!

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