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Does this have something to do with FTX?

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Hello there,

I've recently found that around the default FS flight scenery I have been getting these little squares in parts of the ground. Does this has something to do with FTX?

I have tried to disable the active region, reverting to FS default, same results. The problem is only around this area, as soon as I fly away from here, I don't see these scattered squares any more.

Any ideas?

Thanks for all and any replies.

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Hi Joachim,

I take it you're using the PNW demo, however that doesn't appear to be the PNW scenery showing. It looks like default FSX. Are you sure you're inside the demo region that covers the Olympic Peninsula? Also make sure your FTX Central is set to "North America"



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Hello Alex,

Yes I activated North America and FSX Default to see if it makes a difference but it does not.

Yes I am using the PNW demo and AU Blue demo, PNW is activated.

It might not be FTX, I am not sure... that's why I asked, those square look funny and it's strange that it's only in this region.



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Might help troubleshooting if you could tell us where "only in this region." is. Screen shots should have the coordinates turned on (SHFT Z) that would help the viewer determine where in the world you are.


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Yes I activated North America and FSX Default to see if it makes a difference but it does not.

Yes I am using the PNW demo and AU Blue demo, PNW is activated.

It might not be FTX, I am not sure... that's why I asked, those square look funny and it's strange that it's only in this region.

What you're seeing is FSX's method of LC blending, although in a very visually unpleasing way. I can't say for certain as to what the problem is since I don't know where the screenshots are taken. But just from glancing at your screenie I'm going to guess you're over default FSX.

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Hi guys, okay right... it's right next to KFHR. That's the standard FSX flight when you hit fly now.

I'm just worried that I messed something up because I see all this. I also noticed that the runway is higher than it's suppose too.

I hardly have any scenery installed for this region, except the PNW demo. FTX Central is set on North America.

I don't see this issue anywhere else.

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FTX_NA_PNW07_MESH is causing this issue. I have gone through every single add-on scenery, and when I disable FTX_NA_PNW07_MESH, the elevation error is fixed.

The pixelation is still there but this is another problem, I have installed FSX in a virtual machine; clean installed and I still get these little squares but I have to disable FTX_NA_PNW07_MESH on my FSX (the one that's installed on the real OS) to see the runway right.

So how can I fix this? I assume PNW07 is part of PNW?

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Okay the problem is solved.

The last time I enabled the FSX Default option in FSX Central it did not disable FTX for some reason, and that is why I was seeing this problem but now it works and the pixels are gone too. :)

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