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FTX Control Tower Question

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When viewing in FTX tower with the "Session Info" box open, you see the 3 letter prefix of the airline followed by the actual flight number. My question is this:

Where is the session info box sourcing the 3 letter airline prefix from? Is it somehwere in the aircraft cfg file or somewhere else? Appreciate some assistance on this.

PS: What I am trying to do, is to alter the prefixes displayed in the session info box to proper identifiers eg QAN to QFA, VIR to VOZ, etc etc.


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That Tower Info panel is the FSX default one using the radar panel from the FSX Default Control Tower. The 3 letter prefix before the flight number is the first 3 letters from the 'Airline' field in the aircraft config file. If you change this, ATC will not be able to recognise the airline name for communications.

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That Tower Info panel is the FSX default one using the radar panel from the FSX Default Control Tower. The 3 letter prefix before the flight number is the first 3 letters from the 'Airline' field in the aircraft config file. If you change this, ATC will not be able to recognise the airline name for communications.

Thank you for the prompt and clear reply Graham. Back to the Drawing Board for me!


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