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Tasmania spring season demo


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Hi I have just returned to flight sim after about 10 years absence. Have just installed FSx and am trying to find my way around again! I am working on an Apple Macbook pro with windows7U 64bit on bootcamp.

Downloaded your free "Tasmania demo" to see what all the fuss is about & wow it is great.

My question is...... where are the 4 demo flights located?.... as advised in the pdf user guide .... have hunted high & low! The only file in the zip folder was the: ftxaubluedemosp3.exe file?

I am originally from Nelson NZ so will be looking to download the NZ scenery as soon as i get my head around all this new stuff.

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You have the whole Island of Tasmania to play with, so don't worry if you cannot find the demo flights, just choose an airport and enjoy.. if you have them, the saved flights should be under my documents/flight simulatorX.. Teecee.

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Thank you for your replies,

Have had another search in the locations mentioned , but it appears that they are not included in the initial download.

No worrys .... as you say teece, i will just get on and find my own way around .... looking foward to it!

Cheers mal ^-^

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