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Saitek trim wheel


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Am looking to buy this. Has anyone in Aussie who has got one tell me the cheapest place to buy it (including shipping) or where they bought theirs from please. Amazon have it for less than $50 but for some reason will not ship it to Aussie.

Many thanks.

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FS Pilot Shop has it for $49.95 USD and will ship to Australia. However by the time you shipped it to Australia and paid any duties it may end up being double that price:


Therefore I would consider The Flight Sim Store as they are in Australia and sell it for $84.95 (about the same you would pay if you shipped it in from the USA). You won't have to worry about duties or excessive shipping fees:


I would say buy it in Australia as the Duties and Shipping usually end up costing you dearly

Cheers :D

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Be wary of gadgetbliss. They don't offer the full manufacturers warranty. In most cases you get three months instead of the proper 2 years warranty. They claim most problems will be detected within those first 3 months, but I can tell you from real experience that this comment/statement is almost laughable and quite far from reality. :-[

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