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CEJ4 Elevation issue Part 2

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Hi Folks, I started this topic because the other one that is listed was dated back in Feb so I thought no one may be watching that one anymore.

OK, I have the same elevation issue as has been listed, (the CEJ4 airport is about 10 or 15 feet higher than the surroundings).

I don't have NRM but as you can see I do have PNW and CRM. I also installed CEJ4 while in the FTX NA setting and I'd like to note that I have no problem like this with CEN4.

I went back and turned off and then back on, UTX USA but still no go. Prior to installing CEJ4 I installed the .004a PNW patch and after installing CEJ4 I reinstalled the latest Library.

I'll probably try a reinstall of the CEJ4 as soon as I get back to the flightsim computer. But if that fails, I guess the bottom line is I would need NRM.

It's just that I didn't need it for CEN4... I don't know, it's not a big issue for me, it's more of a curiosity thing.

Thanks, Rich

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