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Delivering the post - Departure YKNG, Katanning, W.A.


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Southern W.A. (Australia) summers are pretty dry.

The two airfields you picked are two done by myself and Steve (Squeeker) at OZx .... now where is that lad? ???

(Didn't get time to model the Giant Ram at Wagin though, sorry)

That's Jerry's old Subaru parked at YKNG.

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Ian, I often wonder that same question. Where is Squeeker? Hmm.

I am always grateful you guys developed the airfields around my home area.

Just for interest, I remember a summer about 10-15 years ago where it didnt rain for 9 months from about October through to May-June. This year it wouldnt stop raining all through harvest, and when many would be finished by Christmas, lots were still harvesting deep into January.

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One of the more beautiful flight's I've experienced. Both airports are superb, in my opinion, although the grass causes crash with detection turned on. I've disabled crash as there are so many invisible crash spots in FSX it became too frustrating and time-wasting. When I landed at Wagin, I wondered about the large buildings I observed in the town.

This flight is what I imagine FTX Kansas, USA will be like (don't forget to increase wind levels). Some day soon, hopefully.

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