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Loved the Demo & wanting more but first a few questions for a Newbie


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I have tried the Demo and was blown away, Wow In fact as I am not from Australia and have yet to Visit I compared images to Google Earth.  Great Job.

Now for my Questions:

-I gather the beauty of this product is that it take up less Hardrive space than Photoscenery???

-I believe plans are to Cover further Regions/Areas of the World

-If I am correct on the above then do i need to stop wasting money on products such as Scenery Tech Solutions Landclass as I buy every part released. Also Ultimate Terrain X.

Also will this product ever be boxed as say Australia (box set of all 4 regions) as i prefer a box and manual over download, or shall i just whip out the credit card now and get flying as i dont think i could wait that long. ;)

Thanks Again for a great Demo and truly outstanding product.

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Now for my Questions:

-I gather the beauty of this product is that it take up less Hardrive space than Photoscenery???

I have never seen Photoscenery work realistically in all times of the year + at night. Also, you usually get awful colour deviations and other artifacts. I am thinking of VFR Germany, for example, which is a great product, but it has only summer textures, no night textures, sometimes terrible colours, and is quite expensive because of the aerial photo license fees. There's nothing better for VFR in Germany in my view. But FTX is a much smarter solutions, and is totally unique with its detail and accuracy. And of course the whole "look and feel"...  And yes, you will save on HDD space compared to Photoscenery with textures for all occasions in the same detail as FTX provides - a lot!

Best regards


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As Marc allready pointed out, FTX is something completely different to PhotoReal, STS LC or UTX, FTX is also much more framerate friendly than formentioned scenery products, with the Demo you have a good but limited indication of what is possible with FTX, when all 4 regions are available is still in the charts, Couldn't give an indication as to when that set would be complete.

I'd suggest scroll through the forum and see for yourself what others have to say about FTX, I think you will find it quite entertaining ;)

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In my view the method used by Orbx is the way of the future, which is region specific textures combined with hand placed landclass.  Photoscenery is not practical for me due to the storage requirements and the fact there's no decent autogen for it.  Besides, FTX looks more beautiful than any photo scenery product I have seen, as every single texture is meticulously crafted.  I really can't wait to set sight on the pacific northwest region for the US as the textures/landclass/autogen should work nicely with UTX USA.  I've trid a few landclass products and nothing can compare to hand placed landclass like FTX.

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In my view the method used by Orbx is the way of the future, which is region specific textures combined with hand placed landclass.  Photoscenery is not practical for me due to the storage requirements and the fact there's no decent autogen for it.  Besides, FTX looks more beautiful than any photo scenery product I have seen, as every single texture is meticulously crafted.  I really can't wait to set sight on the pacific northwest region for the US as the textures/landclass/autogen should work nicely with UTX USA.  I've trid a few landclass products and nothing can compare to hand placed landclass like FTX.

Thanks for all your answers, So I think I get the product and concept, so stop buying Landclasss products as if i support FTX i will get Landclass accurately placed and local to that region. But UTX USA and UTX Europe will fit in with FTX and work together or will it make UTX redundant ? That's where i am stuck.

I Have Horizon Simulations VFR UK, VFR Germany and Every Megascenery Product for FSX so my hard drive is bursting at the seams. If Ftx works as i think it does i should hold back from buying more Photoscenery and landclass and wait for FTX USA and my home region Europe (UK).

Thanks for all the advice 

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Where possible FTX for certain areas will be designed to work along side some of these other products such as UTX, the results will not be known until development and testing has begun in ernest. But the expectation is that there should be no major issues.

Certainly if your planning to use FTX in certain areas that you have Photoreal, they will conflict.

We do use photoreal in all our airport sceneries, but it is made to blend in seamlessly with FTX using the same seasonal colours and the edges are blended to the surrounding landclass. In many cases it is virtually impossible to see where Photoreal ends and FTX begins. It is also it has full autogen using FTX autogen features. So FTX and photoreal can co exist but only with small localized areas where editing and autogen annotation is practical.

And yes all FTX regions will have Landclass included.

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Where possible FTX for certain areas will be designed to work along side some of these other products such as UTX, the results will not be known until development and testing has begun in ernest. But the expectation is that there should be no major issues.

Certainly if your planning to use FTX in certain areas that you have Photoreal, they will conflict.

We do use photoreal in all our airport sceneries, but it is made to blend in seamlessly with FTX using the same seasonal colours and the edges are blended to the surrounding landclass. In many cases it is virtually impossible to see where Photoreal ends and FTX begins. It is also it has full autogen using FTX autogen features. So FTX and photoreal can co exist but only with small localized areas where editing and autogen annotation is practical.

And yes all FTX regions will have Landclass included.

Thanks for your detailed answer, I fully understand, I went ahead and bought Gold/Blue and YMML, Love it


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