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Traffic and Spam Results

Jay Kae

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Have a look at this page and where we are:


Just do a page search for orbxsystems.com , we are in the top area unfortunately. This of course has to do with the amount of traffic we are getting. Last month the traffic to Orbx increased by 9.13% getting us a whopping 1.2million visitors to fullterrain.com last year and an incredible 900,000 visitors to the forums.

All of the figures above are unique visitors.

Total spammers 7,705 which were stopped by various scripts and software

Leading countries:

1) Australia

2) Germany

3) United States (for the first time in three years the States are not #1, they have retained their numbers of the years before but Germany and Australia beat their numbers of the years before by respectively 22% and 29%)

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Jay, impressive numbers coming to Orbx site! Spammers, if my math is right comes in at about 0.6 percent of total traffic, is that about the norm for spammers on other sites, or is Orbx getting hit hard!!

Just curious.



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Leading countries:

1) Australia

2) Germany

3) United States (for the first time in three years the States are not #1, they have retained their numbers of the years before but Germany and Australia beat their numbers of the years before by respectively 22% and 29%)

Thank you Jay!

I have one queation though. Are obove 3 countries leading in total traffic or in spamming the Orbx-site?


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@ytzpilot, the numbers for the USA are growing but not as fast as Australia and Germany

@wolfko, they are the numbers for visitors not spammers :)

Well New Zealand is about to export our Resident German (Kim Dotcom) to the USA so good riddance.

Not sure how many on here used his website or not but the locals got tired of him racing around in his sports cars and heavy binge drinking so....When the FBI called and said they wanted him then New Zealand was like. COOOL, Let's Get Him.....So our boys stormed his mansion and got him....now he is in the courts for extradition. Hopefully the court costs won't cost too much on the NZ tax payer.

Cheers :D

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Once washed and Rinsed, they should then be hung out to dry!

Seriously though. I think its testiment to all your hard work, passion and dedication you put into this Jay. Many hours, lack of sleep for you, but to keep our forums safe and in order.

Hats off to you Jay ;)

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