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Waiting, Waiting, Waiting


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Over a period of time I have installed the four Australian FTX regions, New Zealand SI and three North American regions, PNW, NRM and CRM. With North America preset by FTX Central (or Oceania) I find it takes forever to get up and running, far longer than it used to.

I am wondering if all the FTX regions are loaded every time I launch FSX. If that is the case then in the fullness of time as further scenery regions are added I would need to launch FSX at breakfast time and be ready to fly by dinner time!

Now my computer may not be the swiftest on the block but it is no tortoise either with a dual core CPU running at 2.8GHz. However, I have only 1.5GB of RAM and 2GB of virtual memory. By modern standards I believe this is very modest.

Any comments?

Regards, Brudgeon

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There are a couple of aspect to startup times.

Internal bus, but also hard drive (single, RAID or SSD) speeds.

Simple steps:


Removing dasmaged sectors (chkdsk)

Check the HDD transfer rate (some 5400rpm drives are appallingly slow)

Not every bit of scenery is loaded at every time, but the entire scenery library does have to be "looked up"

With all the addons and a modest amount of extra aircraft (plus development projects, my FSX loads up in under 1 minute. SSD users would be faster (FSX lives on a RAID array for me)

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