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DX10-What's the big deal?

Paul Baumanis

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As Mango said, and this is definitly the case on my PC, graphic wise DX9 and DX10 are more or less the same (DX10 adds VC shadows which are nice but also add some nasty runway flickering), the main thing is that DX10 is much much faster than DX9 (20% fps extra). So what you loss by moving from XP to vista u gain back by moving from DX9 to DX10. I would never use DX9 again. Etienne

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My experience so far has been that upgrading from XP to Vista has been good from an operating system point of view ( Faster start-up, faster loading of programs, BUT there has been a performance hit on FSX). Having done a complete re-install, I am still in the process of tweaking the system to improve pperformance. My view is that I believe the upgrade is necessary in the long run as XP is no longer supported by Microsoft and any iterations of DX will be Vista only, so I have bitten the bullet now.

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All above plus jaggies because AA doesn't work. At least not for me...

However, the performance with bloom and very high water settings is clearly better in DX10. The picture also seems to be more brilliant and vibrant.

I'm with Mango. I did notice a performance gain (only slight though) and better picture but I can't understand why ACES locked the AA. In DX10 FSX looks like FS9 on my old box running on-board graphics....yuck!!

Unless anyone knows how to get around this so AA can be set to 8X at least then I won't be using DX10 Preview just to get cockpit shadows.

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