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Mooney HD Textures - can windows be cleaned up ?

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Gabe, i am glad you like the textures mate! as for the windows dirtyness, you can reduce or even completely remove all glass effects but you have to know how to edit embeded alpha channels within compressed .bmp files. To achieve a clear view out you would need to change the alpha channel to be completely black.

For your information i am currently working on another HD cockpit for the new Carenado 182RG II, this will also have dirty/scratched window effects, but i will probably include an alternative "clean" window file with that download, for those of you who prefer it that way.



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Hi Russ.....

Firstly I don't want completely clear windows - I like a certain amount of marks and reflection - it is a must and never buy aircraft with "no cockpit glass" fitted !

What I actually meant was just to be able to clean it up a little......I could then fly a cleaner version Monday through wednesday and "hop into" the dirtier version, for the weekend - a little like real life I guess !

Now, I have reduced reflections before where they were overbearing, but it used dds files ?  And I needed a plug in for photoshop and then simply modified the amount of "contrast" - it was easy and effective.

How exactly do I go about changing the alpha channels with your bitmap system ?  Can I simply change the "degree" of transparency and thereby get it just how I like it ?

Glad to know you're not being idle and working on the Carenado's as they come out - how about the Cherokee 180 F ?  I intend to give her a retro fit with some of Simflyers GPS/instruments as they work in XML - unlike the RealityXP stuff !  It would be fantastic to have a nice HD cockpit  as well !


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Hey Gabe, the best thing to do would be to use DXTBMP (google it, freeware texture converter) to convert the WindowsInt.bmp alpha channel to a 24 bit bmp then open it in photoshop (or similar) and reduce the intensity somewhat, then save it, re-attach it as the alpha to the existing WindowsInt.bmp, overwrite the original and away you go. Always backup your original files before overwriting, and you may need to go through this procedure a couple of times before you reach a result you are happy with. This process will decrease the opacity of the windows, therefore reducing the visibility of the dirt and scratches. Be warned however, by doing this you will get some strange effects, such as the paper stickers on the window will become transparent also. PLAY WITH TEXTURE ALPHA's AT YOUR OWN RISK!

As far as the Cherokee and others, i have an agreement with Fernando (Director of Carenado) to re-work their cockpits, but to avoid any possible issues we only discuss one project at a time, at the moment it's the 182, after that........well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!


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I LOVE the dirty & faded windows, so many GA planes that sit under the hot Aussie sun all year with minimal or no covers are just like this. It certainly gives the planes a "as real as it gets" feel, to coin a much used phrase!

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As far as the Cherokee and others, i have an agreement with Fernando (Director of Carenado) to re-work their cockpits, but to avoid any possible issues we only discuss one project at a time, at the moment it's the 182, after that........well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!


Awesome ! And... i thought so  ;D. Well, i am a bit surprised that the 152 isn't in the Russworks prior to the 182 RG ?

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Mango - It does sound strange from the outside, why i have gone for the 182 when the 152 was announced first, but there is a very simple reason for this!..... I had no idea that Carenado were going to be releasing all their new FSX fleet this soon, so i started work on their existing 182 FSX port version, then when it came time to get permission from Fernando, he said yes thats fine, but we are soon to be releasing a new 182 FSX native, since i had already started work on its predecessor, i decided to hold out until the new 182 is released, to ensure maximum compatibility between the two models! and in the meantime Carenado announced the 152!.....as simple as that mate.

P.S - Work on the 182 is moving along nicely, progress report to follow in the next few days!


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