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Install Problem with PNW Demo

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I'm trying to install the PNW Demo and keep getting the message "No FSX Entry Found in Registry". I have used both the registry tweak tool, and also the FSXRegUtility with unsuccessful results. One week ago I made a clean install of FSX and FSX Accleration. My system OC is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. My FSX directory is located in G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X. FSX runs perfectly on my i7 920, EVGA 560 ti video card with 6 gb of ram.

I did a search regarding this problem and found one where the same issue was resolved with the FSXRegUtility. Unfortunately mine was not.

Funny thing is that all my other add on programs, MTX 5.4, UTX, various payware aircraft all find the FSX directory and install fine. If there is an error in my FSX registry path, I'm wondering why the utility did not correct it. Looking at the registry entries for both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURENT_USER, they both seem to be correct.

I have tried to uninstall the PNW Demo with the uninstall tool. That also give me an error message "No FSX Entry Found in Registy." Now I have a large number of files scattered and really don't know how to find them to remove.

I'm at a loss as what to do next other than reinstall FSX, which I really don't want to do. I would love to try the Demo before purchasing the main PNW Scenery Package. I just don't want to invest without first sorting out this problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Rolfspan, sorry to hear that you are experiencing a similar problem. I should have mentioned, when I tried to install the FTX PNW Demo, I directed the install path to the FSX root directory. Hopefully that is where the Orbx directory should reside.

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Hopefully one of the administrators will read this and offer some advice.

I think I have found my problem. I have been under the assumption that if the Tweaks FSX Registry Utility finds the paths to the FSX directory, then all is in order. However, in my case, something is amiss. When I click "get path" for FSX, both the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER are listed. As a double check, I looked in "REGEDIT" to verify the entries. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER is fine, but the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES does not exist. Then I did a search of the registry for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES\FLIGHT SIMULATOR X and the search stops on an entry called FlashConfig. There is nothing in this entry that indicates anything to do with FSX. When I try to write a new registry entry with the FSX Registry Utility, it says the registry entry has been updated, but the proper entry still does not show up. This really has me stumped. I can't understand why the utility will not write the correct entry.

At least I have discovered why I cannot get the FTX PNW Demo to load. Now all I have to do is find out how I can get the proper entry into my registry. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Thanks for you reply Ian. I'll try you suggestions shortly.

I first want to say I have discovered another big question mark. When using the FSX Registry Utility and doing a search for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, the utility does find the proper registry entry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES\FLIGHT SIMULATOR\10.0. Then when I close down the utility and open REGEDIT and try to find the entry, it's not there! I'm pulling my hair out on this end wondering why the Utility would show the registry entry, and the program REGEDIT does not.

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Just checked this on my Laptop (running Acceleration) and no Reg entry (new, clean install of FSX and FTX Au)

The Simple Reg fix seems to work.

TweakFS seems to be able to find the install and app paths.

Strangely enough the SP3 DVD installer found the installation just fine!

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Ian, I looked at your suggestions. User Account Control is set to "notify me", I am the administrator with no other users, and I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit English version.

Really weird. The FSX Registry Utility shows the path to FSX. When I do a search of the registry within the FSX Registry Utility, it finds the FSX path. When I exit the utility and run REGEDIT within Windows, the path is gone... :wacko:. I don't know how this is possible. I'm at a loss! I really would like to get this resolved before investing in the full PNW package. Thanks.

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Thank you for your suggestion Rolfspan.

I read through the PREPARE3D forum, and the PREPARE3D pdf instructions. Honestly, I just don't see how this pertains to my specific problem. Maybe I'm missing something. I realize that somehow, somewhere the FTX PNW Demo is not finding my FSX registry entry. The confusion for me is the fact that the FSX Registry Utility is showing the correct path for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES\FLIGHT SIMULATOR\10.0, and a search for that registry entry within the Utility also locates it. However, when I exist the Utility, load up REGEDIT within Windows 7, now that entry no longer exists. It now stops at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT. There is no MICROSOFT GAMES. Just don't know how it can show in one and not the other.

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Okay, this is what I discovered, and hopefully I can explain this correctly.

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Perhaps the FSX Registry Utility is for a 32 bit system. The FSX Registry Utility is showing a registry entry as previously noted, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES\FLIGHT SIMULATOR\10.0. All paths, according to the Utility are proper, and I'm even getting a green check mark telling me I'm ready to install the Demo. The FTX PNW Demo installer is not finding that entry because it is not there. What really is in my registry, and what the installer is not finding is, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Wow6432Node\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES\FLIGHT SIMULATOR\10.0. I'm fairly certain that this registry entry is the one that I need to solve my headaches and get the Demo installed.

It seems like a simple fix, just don't know how to go about getting everything pointed in the right direction. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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You should have both those entries in your registry, but the first one should be HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES\FLIGHT SIMULATOR\10.0 and the second one HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES\FLIGHT SIMULATOR\10.0


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I am still struggling with trouble shooting my problem "No FSX Entry Found in Registry". Hopefully there are moderators or administrators scanning this forum and can offer some assistance.

FSX was installed on a fresh hard drive G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X. It will be the only program on this hard drive. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit was installed on a separate hard drive C.

The following are my registry entries showing up for FSX.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0\Launch. The AppPath G:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\ is located in the 10.0 folder.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0, SetUpPath G:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\

When looking at the HKEY_CURRENT_USER tree, and looking at the information in the 10.0 folder, that is where the AppPath and other information is showing up. If I click on the 10.0 folder, the Launch folder shows up with no information inside except, Default REG_SZ (value not set). I didn't notice this launch folder at first until I accidentally clicked on the 10.0 folder. Should this Launch folder even be there? It seems to me that the FTX PNW Demo is looking down the USER tree into this Launch folder and not finding the AppPath for FSX.

As previously noted, I have tried the registry fixes. They did not solve the problem. Thank you for any help you can offer.

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Are there any moderators viewing this thread?

If there is something I missed, or additional information needed, please let me know. It appears I am missing out on some wonderful scenery with this registry error. I have tried everything I can think of to get the PNW Demo installed, sort of reinstalling FSX Deluxe and Acceleration. I am very hesitate to purchase the full edition until I know it will work. Thank you.

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not an expert by any means but from what you say it sounds like a permissions problem with WIN 7. If your FSX is installed in the infamous x86 folder WIN 7 is preventing changes in your files and I assume your registry as well. Try searching the web for informantion about installation of FSX in the x86 folder etc. While I have not seen as many problems discussed for FSX the old MSTS program has multiple problems when installed using the CD default location.

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spud, thank you. I do appreciate your response. I have checked out the various problems associated with installing FSX in the x86 folder under Win 7 64 bit. There are just as many successful installs as there are problems. And those problems seem to be security related. I have disabled UAC and run as administrator. All my other FSX add ons, UTX, MyTraffic 5.4, Nemeth Designs, Cera Sims, FeelThere, have no trouble finding my FSX directory. The only problem I have experienced is the Orbx FTX PNW Demo. My current FSX installation runs flawlessly as is. I don't want to uninstall everything related to FSX, reinstall, and take the chance that the new install will solve this problem, especially when FSX is not exhibiting any other anomalies.

I am convinced that there is just a little piece of the puzzle missing to get this scenery going. Hopefully one of the experts on the Orbx FTX team will point me in the right direction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Problem solved, or should I say, my work around.

Rather than pulling out anymore of my hair and wasting more time trying to get this free demo of PNW installed, I simply gave up, convinced that my FSX setup and registry settings were not the problem. All my other add on aircraft and scenery enhancements were finding my FSX directory without any trouble. Most were ordered in a DVD form. So, I decided to take a chance and ordered the FTX Central Rocky Mountains package from PC Aviator on DVD. It was on sale and I figured I would get this to work one way or another. Besides, it was an excellent discounted price. I did not want to completely uninstall FSX if I could avoid it. The DVD arrived in 3 days. With considerable trepidation, I loaded the DVD and held my breath. To my amazement the installer found my FSX directory, G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\, where the demo would not. I clicked the "next" button and the install began. Now I was concerned that once it finished installing, FTX Central would not find the registry entry and error. Nope! Everything worked without a hitch. I am up and running and enjoying this absolutely incredible scenery. It is beautiful!

I have now ordered FTX Pacific Fjords, and will follow with FTX Pacific Northwest and FTX Northern Rocky Mountains.


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Downloaded the demo today, got the same problem.

All registry entries are present and correct.

My system and FSX installation are all clean and without issues

Using Win XP, so no problems with admin/user accounts.

Don't have P3D (user manual says it's not needed) so Rolfspan's workaround isn't applicable.

And yet, i still can't get past this "Me 'no findy' FSX registry" nonsense, and it still cant find my FSX folder (even when i show it where it is).

A quick search on google suggests a lot of people have had this and similar problems, and yet, no-one has come up with a solution, not even the developers !

Problem solved, or should I say, my work around......... I decided to take a chance and ordered the FTX Central Rocky Mountains package ...... To my amazement the installer found my FSX directory, G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\, where the demo would not.

Don't know about anyone else, but to me, that would suggest this demo is well and truly fooked ! (well, at least the installer is)

And again, this may just be me, but i like to use a demo to see if it's worth buying the full thing. And so far, it ain't looking good.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hey WillJacobs, I can certainly understand your frustration. I spent considerable time and effort trying to work through my "supposed" FSX registry problem. As far as I'm concerned, there never was anything wrong with my FSX registry entries. That was proved when I purchased the DVD FTX Central Rocky Mountain edition and the install went perfectly. I thought if the DVD did not install, I could at least post the problem on the Payware Support Forum and hopefully get some direction on how to resolve. Thankfully that was not required. Additional, I purchased and installed the DVD FTX Pacific Fjords, the patch for Pacific Fjords, and the latest Orbx Object Libraries. Those installers found my FSX registry entries just fine.

It would be nice to get an explanation from the Orbx Team as to why the PNW Demo installer would not work, yet the DVD edition installers, at least on my system do. I'm sure that there are many individuals that have the PNW Demo up and running just fine. However, there are some folks that just gave up and turned away from the Orbx products because of the registry demo install problem. And these frustrations potentially add up to lost sales.

As a suggestion, if you haven't already used the FSX Registry Utility, I would suggest you get it a try and see what happens. http://tweakfs.com/download/fsx_reg_utility.zip If that doesn't work, well, all I can say is good luck.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I too have Windows 7 64 bit and my LOCAL KEY registry entry for FSX is located in the WOW6432node.

I have posted here two times without any response from the ORBX team. It seems they want us to buy their products but they are unwilling to provide any support.

I am not purchasing an ORBX product until I receive some attempt of support.


Chris Smith - Seattle, WA

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Well Chris, pretty bold statement there,

first of all where do you have installed your fsX, on the default location => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X or on a dedicated drive or partition ?

furthermore if you have any other addons like UTX etc you'll need to reset it to default before installing the Demo Addon.

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Hi Wolter,

Thanks for getting back to me. I have this installed in the default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X.

I do have UTX and will set it to default... Will let you know what happens.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All...I too have had this problem and, apparently, solved it....


The demo installer must find your FSX install folder and if it can't, will install to your "C" drive.

The install will work but FTC Central won't launch. My computer uses Windows 7. I have FSX on

my "D" drive. The demo installer couldn't find it and installed the demo on "C." FTC Central would not

launch, giving the error messsage erveryon has gotten.

I found the progarm authors are correct in that it's a windows regisrty problem (FSX path is

not correct there).

The solution is to: uninstall the demo; run a registry program to correct path errors; and

reinstall the demo.


I downloaded the FTC uninstall program and ran it. It didn't work becasue it could not find

any demo files in my FSX folder. Duh. I ran the uninstaller program "Your Uninstaller." It could not fimd

evidence of the demo. So, I just went into Window Explorer and deleted the demo file folders on "C."


Someone else above suggested this alternative program.called "FSX Registry Utility". I could not find it

at the suggested link but found it here:


Took a couple of tries to get downloaded.

Download and installed it. It's a great little program that allows you to check your FSX registry

path entries and change them if needed. Note there are 2 FSX path registry entries. I

found one was correct and one was not. Used the program to correct the incorrect one.

The program is not all that intuitive, so be careful. You'll need to know your FSX "root" directory.

You can use the program to "browse" for it (I believe).


Then just reinstalled the demo. The installer quickly identified my FSX "root" folder and installed the

various program files there. FTC Central launched without incident.The region was there to choose

as per the manual. The scenery files were at the top of the FSX Scenery Library listings.

Unfortunately, I left my manual at my office and didn't remember the Demo scenery area, so

I didn't get to (yet) see the scenery. Reviews say it is great.



Good luck!

John H., Houston, TX, USA

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