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Been flying RL in Florida


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Went twice with a pilot friend in two weekends. Once in a Cirrus SR20 from Ft. Lauderdale Executive (KFXE) to Marathon (KMTH) in the Florida Keys. The other today around KFXE to keep his certification in a Cessna 172. Took the controls in the Cessna for 10 minutes over the Everglades. Lovely (my first time).

Closing down SR-20 at Marathon

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Cessna 172 pre-flight in Ft. Lauderdale

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Cessna 172 over Pompano Beach

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Yeah my roomate flies for the adversary squadron in the Keys. Flying over the Florida Keys is awesome.

Funny story - We went fishing and he scheduled a fly over by one of the F-5s for our boat. The pilot mistaken which boat we were and dove on someone else. Don't you know they crapped themselves to see the red stars on the wings and being dove on by a fighter. He finally figured it out and found us.

My other friend (also a fighter pilot there) ownes a float plane there and seeing the Keys from the air is almost as good as from a boat with 6 lines trolling along.

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