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First flight in New Zealand

John York

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I chose Rangiora (because I have a friend living there) to Mt. Cook for my first look at South Island.

My goodness. Landing on runway 31 was some hairy introduction!

Still safely on the ground now and ready to pick the passengers up;

Posted Image

Got the same problem as I had with America though. Don't really know the geography too well so it's a trip to Smith's for a road map when they re-open next week.

Happy new year everyone.


Thank you ImageShack

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Nice shots John, glad your soaking it in, the weather is probably the same as in old blighty too...

There are over 300 rural bush strips included with NZSI but not listed in the go-to-menu or in the KML, we are looking at adding all these to both, so soon you will be able to just select one to start at

I use the KML to find my way around and to plan routes as you can draw a line, obtain flight distances and headings/directions, to avoid clutter switch off all layers in Google Earth just leaving the NZSI KML showing, I also had access to the full 1:250000 VNC charts while developing (but Matt wanted them back... :( ) these will set you back about 50-60 bucks if your really keen and can be ordered from the NZ AIP website

Kimo's link to the Koordinates website is also good for locating many things, its actually hard to get lost because nowhere in NZSI is further than 100 miles from the sea ;)

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Thanks for the comments and the helpful suggestions guys.

Actually, I suppose I should have mentioned that as well as my old trusty Atlas of the World to find my way around, I'll be doing what I've always done and going to Tim Arnott's Plan G. I find its as good as anything and very much easier to use than most.

Best wishes for the New Year.


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