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KHQM Missing Some Buildings


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I've had the NA free sceneries installed for a while now and recently installed KORS airport scenery. Now, KHQM is having issues with displaying buildings, specifically Lana's Cafe, the Office trailer, and the Terminal. All other structures seem to be displaying. Your suggestions and assistance appreciated.

I should add that I do have the patches installed and I re-installed the current libraries after installing KORS.

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  • 2 months later...

I just noticed the same problem and hoped to find a solution here - unfortunately found only the same question for help. Does anybody have an idea what to do to restore this beautiful aiport?

Regards and thanks in advance for a help,


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Hi FriLa,

I would suggest setting FTXcentral to [North America] and re-running the KHQM installer, followed by the latest Orbxlibs patch

If you are still having issues after doing the above..post up a picture as that will help us a lot in diagnosing the problem, an easy way to include a picture in your post is here: http://www.orbxsyste...he-orbx-forums/



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Hi Tim,

re-installing KHQM and Orbxlibs patch did not help (it would have been too easy)

So I include a screenshot from above where you can see the missing objects or textures (?). I think you can see through them to the ground or blue sky. Funny thing: smoke comes out from the place where there was Lana's Cafe.

Posted Image

Hope this helps.



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Looks like the objects causing the problems are the tiled and bump-mapped roof surfaces, has this 'just' happened to your system (as in, it was fine before) ?

Think this issue has happened before at other airports for some people, and it was related to graphic card drivers, may want to provide us with some details of your system, and if anything has changed recently



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Maybe this screenshot leads too much attention to roofs. I send you another screenshot and here you can see that the whole building is gone, together with others. I do not know if all the other scenery objects are not bump-mapped which are still visible. Not only the roofs are missing. also all side-walls of the buildings.

Some details about my system and history of the "effect": First I tried the free demo of Pacific Northwest and was absolutly surprised what was possible with FSX! Everything worked perfectly! Then I bought PNW-Scenery and found out, that Bowerman was not included there. When I installed I noticed the "sunken" runway, this was repaired with the update NA PNW.004. Still everything worked fine. I installed some other freeware aiports from FTX and tested them, everything was OK. I have the latest ORBX library installed.

Then 2 days ago I came back to Bowerman and found the missing buildings.

To my system: I am using Windows XP, SP 2, graphic card is Nvidia Quadro FX 580. I have the latest driver for the graphic card. So here comes the screenshot:

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Hmm. There is not much experience with the Quadro FX series of cards. The previous issues seemed to be related to Nvidia 7xxx series cards, and one episode of a corrupted FSX / system install.

If things were fine with these buildings beforehand it seems unlikely to be a driver issue.

The odd thing is that other objects are displaying in the same area, which suggests the KHQM libraries are indeed intact, and there is no broad scenery object exclusion at that point.

Is it at all possible that you have any other scenery files (including AI traffic packages) that might be interfering?

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Now I went back to the older driver version (December) for the Quadro, I deactivated all other airports AND the PNW scenery and still the buildings only on this airport are gone ore partly gone. I use BOB to look closer, but all this has no influence.

I have no traffic package and no other planes than the default, my FSX is quite young.

This screenshot shows you the other building which are missing or only partly visible. It seems that some strange things happened to the textures.

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Another test on my system: I have installed all other freeware airports fom FTX in Canada/USA, even those, which do not fit into the PNW area. All other airports work like expected, no truncated buildings or other strange effects.

Are there other (hidden) files which were not overwritten with the new installation? Is there an un-installation procedure for Bowerman so that these wrong files are removed?



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HI again,

Bowerman is almost completely self-contained within its own scenery folder,

Try this:

1 - Delete the airport folder FSX\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KHQM

2 - Run a windows search of your main FSX folder for KHQM and make a note of what comes up, you should get the same as in my screenshot below

3 - Fire up FSX (ignore the missing scenery alert) and take a birds-eye screenshot of the default PNW Bowerman

4 - Then run the KHQM installer, followed by the latest Orbxlibs

Hopefully that will kick-start it :ph34r:



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Hi Tim,

sorry, your suggestion did not work!

to your step # 2: I did not have the file in the Navigraph folder (I do not have Navigraph) and I did not have the folder PMDG and the file in it.

Here you see the Bird-View and the view as seen in my 4th "mail" after deleting the folder FSX\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KHQM. I think this is the default PNW airport and it seem OK. Maybe PNW interferes somehow?

Posted Image

Posted Image

Any more suggestions?

Thank you anyhow,


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After you have installed Bowerman freshly, switch FTXcentral to [Default FSX] and back to [North America] pressing OK each time

Other than that I am at a loss as to what is causing this :unsure: it seems to be the surfaces that have been bump-mapped that are causing issues for you

Oh and did anything other than the files in my screenshot turn up at all? I cant quite tell from your screenshots but I see some of the buildings are sunken so I'm wondering if you have a conflicting file left over somewhere perhaps, did you run the PNW demo remover before install PNW?

UAC [Off]?, any shader mods running?, any non-default FSX.cfg tweaks?, Antivirus running while installing?

I am not familiar with the Quadro FX580, but I know its built on the same board as the Geforce 9500 series

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Hi Tim,

switching back to default and than back to North America did not help.

No other KHQM-files were in my folder left.

I did run PNW demo-remover before installing PNW

I do not have UAC in Windows XP, I tried shader mods but dislike it, so I removed all files.

I use the "Jesus tweak", this is a prerequisite that I fly with PNW. But I removed FSX.cfg completely, has it rebuild by FSX and still no buildings there.

I use Norton IS, but it cannot be switched off. FSX-folder is excluded.

Is it possible that the NA PNW.004 patch causes the sunken buildings ???

As Bowerman airport is the "flagship" of your freeware-airports I do not want to miss it! As a next step I will try to delete PNW and reinstall it. Any suggestions how to do it best?

Thanks for your patience,


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I have deleted all scenery from orbx inclunding PNW according to forum suggestions. What I found is that with these tips there are still many orbx files left (all textures in FSX\scenery\world\texture, traffic_Bowerman.bgl and I think some sound-files) so that it is very hard to find that error.

Unfortunately re-installing does not bring back the missing buildings!

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Hi; just a note that I too am having this same problem with my 5870 ati card i have tried everything in this thread and might have fixed it by reinstalling. I cant be sure though yet too early to tell as with mine it is a random thing sometimes the buildings are there sometimes not. i have also noted sometimes planes become invisible on external views at victoria harbour and bowerman. I dont know if that is related or not.

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Bowerman is completely self-contained within its own folder, with only the 2m LIDAR mesh for the area residing within the PNW folder structure (part of the region pack), you cannot exclude a material or a texture from displaying so this is most definitely a local issue to your PC

Perhaps you're missing vital shader files, or other core files that are preventing you from seeing bumpmapped surfaces, I'm not sure, it may be a side effect from using AVSIM/Jesus tweaks / or non FSX shadermods, I recommend to ditch those and try a fresh default NON tweaked FSX.cfg

After that all I can recommend is.... set FTXcentral to [Default FSX] and run a repair of FSX as there is something amiss somewhere within your core FSX files

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After frustrating deinstallation and new installation of FSX and PNW and Bowerman and all updates there are still these missing buildings! No other AddOns are there except PNW and Bowerman.

fsx.cfg is default, no other tweaks are there.

What I do not understand: Why does ONLY Bowerman has these missing buildings? FSX is FULL of other textures with bump-mapping, but no other building has these problems.

Any other suggestions?

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Just found out: Bowerman buildings are there from evening dawn during night to morning dawn, but they vanish during daylight! Maybe this is an explanation for skellys post.

So there must be something wrong with the textures at daylight!


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Solved !

The new fsx.cfg did not help, the repair-function of FSX (after deinstallation of SP2 and SP1) did not help, only by complete deletion of the complete FSX-folder I found out, that the missing textures were caused by Bojote's shader 3.0. For some reason these files were not overwritten by the repair installation.

I hope this information can help somebody with similar effects!


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Thanks for the report back.

The information may help someone else with strange disappearing buildings. Good to know also that the fsx repair doesn;t repair the shaders.

On a sde note, this is why I dislike "core file" tweaks and mods. They look ok, but somewhere down the line something seems to muck up (slightly jaundiced by the support related topics we get from these!) For developing they are a bit of a no-no anyway, as you need to see what end users will see.

Glad you are sorted.

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Hi, Also had this problem with most of the free scenery on ftx,Since i put in the pacific northwest on dvd.added the free airports everything seems fine.Bowerman,vashon,wax orchards,All lost buildings or aircraft,But like i say now since dvd no trouble at all.

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Nice to see you found the solution Fritz, I thought it might be something like that, as no matter what I tried at my end I could not break bowerman...though I prefer not to alter core-files if I can avoid it, strange though it took a complete folder deletion to twig it



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