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NZSI On Very Short Finals

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Hi All,

Jay and I just wanted to let you all know that the latest region to hit the FSS shelves is now undergoing final propagation across the Content Delivery Network. New Zealand South Island could be released any minute now and I am just waiting on the go ahead from Jay to flick the switch. If you've not pre-paid for your copy yet, right now is the time to do it in order to get a 15% discount on your purchase.

This is going to be spectacular and I for one can't wait to see you all enjoying Orbx's superb rendition of New Zealand's South Island.

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Stephen, NZSI will astonish you, it's the region team's best work yet, by a long shot! :)

I believe you John. FTX flows through my blood too. It looks like this may be an all nighter for me. Hope there are no crisis or hysterics to handle tomorrow, may be a bit short tempered from lack of sleep! :wacko:

Kind regards,

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Thank you ORBX Team! Thank You!

Mr. Venema, when we can expect the North Island?


North Island is already in pre-production and we hope to have it ready by April/May. Don't hold me to that, because as with all our products we don't give actual release dates, just progress reports. We aim for a release timeframe and see how things pan out :)

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Good on you Stephan, and what's another 5 GB. Hope you enjoy my home country.



I sure plan to Julian! From the pictures here and "The Lord of the Rings" it has got to be pretty much the most beautiful country in the world, and like Australia, a bit of a family member to Canada.

Kind regards,

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