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First whizz around the block in the new RV7 from Bay Tower Studios. First impressions are good. Quite fast too , cruise @ about 180mph . It is a beta but she is solid and I think it must be some minor details and paper work to do . There is a sufficient manual currently. A good flyer.

Looking forward to doing some more flying in this.

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A super set of captures here Alan2 - and indeed:

This plane is very fantastic - a great joy to fly around with it and althogh still "beta" it all appears very solid already.

I think BayTower studios have done some very good work with that one so far!

And flying around with it truly is some great fun!


Thank You very much for sharing this fine set of pictures here!

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That is fantastic. I have been watching the forum over there and rubbing my hands together. The EAA chapter here has a few RV7 builders and it appears to be a home built fans dream. There are alot of RV's at CEN4 but I have not been up in one yet. Right away I noticed that the people moddelling this plane and those testing it are passionate about the RV7 and many of them are real world RV7 pilots. This model should be bang on as a result. It's a luxury not many FSX planes have (the backing of several real time pilots).

Those were great shots there Alan. I have been wondering about 3D gauges at different angles and you showcased them great. I know you can manually jam the 2D RXP GNS530 in there. Any word on a 3D one like Carenado and Real Air have been doing?


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Nice shots Alan.

This is one of the favorites in my hangar too, such a nice hotrod and with good FM, also the gauges and panel are terrific and look great even on my ATI based system which gets lots of jaggies on otherwise great panels like the Lancair.

Anyone on the fence because of the "beta" tag (like I was) has nothing to worry about, it is much more polished than 2/3 of the other "final" planes I have bought, not much farther to go in the beta I don't think.

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