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Just ordered an additional system...

Jay Kae

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You know JayKae after reading about your success with FSX and the SkullTrail, I decided to get one myself.  I set a budget(1500 USD) and searched around for components and it's all coming together now, I hope I can come close to your performance.

I got:

Intel Skulltrail + Dual Xeon 5420 Quad 2.5 Ghz  From Ebay

SUNBEAM Transformer case (cheapest full size case on NewEgg)

COOLMAX 1000W Power supply

8GB Kingston DII667 KVR667D2D4F5/4G Ram

500GB Hitachi HardDrive


Zalman CPU coolers

I have an MSI GTX 280 1GB card left around and a 128GB SSD from another computer I plan to pop in once it all arrive.

We'll see how it does with FSX and TripleHead 2 Go after I get it overclocked.


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i get it.........given the quandry JayKae, you were in over your wife getting you a really neat but expensive fs hardware addon for your recent birthday, and her birthday being immiment, you decided to forget buying her a new car. get her something really personal. like a personal computer maybe! something she can use to plumb the depths of the family tree. something she can logon to the local kindergarden bulletin board with. take advantage of online shopping and save money!!!! your a bloody genius!!! my wife has her birthday next month. where'd you say you got that pc from?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D    what a beast, ya lucky duck....

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Hey JayKae

My Skulltrail is coming in tomorrow, so tommorrow night I will be reinstalling and setting up FSX.

Do you have any special settings you use in the FSX.cfg with regards to the affinity mask?  Anything I should be looking out for when setting up the skulltrail as a primary FSX computer.

My core I7 mother board caught on fire(I am not kidding, it really caught on fire, the tech support guy said I had a blown capacitor!?!) so I got some more parts out of it before I RMA it.

I finally settled on:

Intel Skulltrail + Dual Xeon 5420 Quad 2.5 Ghz  over clocked to 3.1 - 3.2

Coolermaster HAF case

Ultra 1600W Power supply

8GB Kingston DII667 KVR667D2D4F5/4G Ram

500GB Hitachi HardDrive(storage)

128 gb SSD for FSX

2x EVGA GTX 280 in SLI


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  • 5 months later...

Woops, I accidently bumped the thread while researching dual CPU. Commenting on another thread, and referred to this thread, and hit the quote button on this thread.......  :P  Anyways.. while I got your attention, How do you find the dual  CPU's? Any bog downs, or does the system have a lot of Horse Power? This is a remarkable thread as not many run dual CPU's, and I am seriously thinking of jumping on the band wagon. Do you need to over clock, or are you there FPS wise? Any bottleneck? Is it one of those systems you need not upgrade for several years? I am in the process of building a system and would appreciate your advise. I'd rather pay up front and be satisfied with computer performance once and for all. Sometimes it pays to spend extra and save in the long run. My system is for FSX / FSX / Orbx and BOB WOV. Thank you.

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