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Current and Upcoming NA Airports


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I made this quick graphic mainly for myself (I thought I should start buying some orbx airports hehe), but since I don't use google earth I wanted a simple jpg I could look at.

Other than 2S1 Vashon I and HQM Bowerman these are the Orbx payware (some are still on the prepay list). From north-ish to south-ish in case anyone else was interested:

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Also Israel Farm, Wax Orchard, that one strip next to Walters, Calm Harbor, W16 and WA45 are missing as well. Only to say that just to show how many great locations we have in this area allowing flights for all kinds of flying.

Oh yeah dont forget about the freeware Portland city with its Helo pads for those who fly helos!

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Also Israel Farm, Wax Orchard, that one strip next to Walters, Calm Harbor, W16 and WA45 are missing as well. Only to say that just to show how many great locations we have in this area allowing flights for all kinds of flying.

Oh yeah dont forget about the freeware Portland city with its Helo pads for those who fly helos!

Israel's Farm is listed but those others are probably part of the packages which is why I didn't list them.

Yeah but CMW isn't on the chart, I'm interested in realistic flying so I didn't list it. The airport itself is well done no doubt, the screen shots look amazing, I'm just personally not interested in it.

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